Chapter 13- Making things right

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The atmosphere was too tense, all the people in the crowd didn't know what to expect. This was something that was completely new to them. Even after the announcement near the Pillar of Justice they didn't think the king will literally put his brother in cuffs and bring him in front of the whole court for justice.

Harry was seated at the place where he could see everyone's faces clearly. The fear, hope and a tiny bit of relief was written all over their faces. He can't believe he was going to miss this because he was being selfish. He forgot no matter what might be the motive for the king to finally bring this change it was something that the people of this kingdom desperately needed and wanted. He has to make sure that everything goes right today, if not for himself then for the people of Doncaster.

The Doncaster king can't express how relieved he was when Harry showed up in the court even if he was forced. He needs him to see what happens today, not only so that he can show Harry he is trying to change but for that little courage his presence brings to the mighty king. He can't be weak today. His breaths are limited, he needs to make sure he uses them properly.

"All the people, elders, minister and the members of the Royal family present here. I would like to thank you all for coming on my request."

His loud voice echoed in the silent court. Everyone's attention was on him, all expect one.

"As you can see we all are gathered here to address the matter that has been long over due. But before that, people of Doncaster, I want to officially apologize to you." His words make everyone gasp, even Harry turned to look at him in surprise.

"I made many mistakes in my life, but this might be the worst of them all. I let my people, who I pledged to protect suffer for so long. Your king has failed you all and I'm so sorry for that.. I would get on my knees to earn forgiveness but the weight of being the ruler doesn't allow me to do that.." If the mummer where silent before it turned into a huge objection from the crowd. 

To see their strong and independent king so vulnerable and weak made their heart ache. They don't need no apology, they just don't want to live in fear no more. Was it too much to ask?

"My Lord, we all and everyone present in the court wish for nothing but your happiness and good health. You don't need to feel so guilty for what has happened. Your people have always loved you and will continue doing so. We trust you." One of the elder stood and said the words to which a lot of people agreed. The king felt like he could finally breathe a little. The guilt was not gone but it did reduce a little.

Sitting not too far away from him the Queen looked down to hide her tears. She didn't know how much of a burden this secret became on her mates shoulders. She can't believe she yelled at him for not doing things right when he was already drowning in the guilt of not doing so.

"Now coming to the matter to Christopher Tomlinson.. it has came to my noticed that many people have been harassed, hurt, robbed and beaten up by him. I urge every single one of them to come forward and tell everything to the court truthfully. I assure you, you will be heard."

"Father!! What is this bullshit?! Uncle has never hurt a single soul in his life. How can you put such a huge blame on him!? Who is putting such nonsense ideas in your brain?" Fizzy shouted before looking directly at the veiled guy sitting near her. Harry closed his eyes knowing what's coming next.

"Is it this fucker? Don't believe a word he says, he is a lying, manipulating son of a-"

Before the king could yell the words stuck in his throat to shut the rude girl up harry stood up from his place and faced the arrogant princess with a tiger like roar. He was not going to wait for someone to defend his pride, never again.

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