Chapter 17- A life worse than death

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Words are very necessary to understand the feeling and emotions of a person. But if you are familiar enough with the person their eyes are enough to know what they are feeling. At that moment Harry's eyes spoke a thousand words without saying anything, each that was loud and clear to his alphas who were filled with nothing but worry.

The incident was shaking yes, but not to this extend. Atleast not to Harry, he had been some absolutely terrifying shit and came back unscratched. They needed no confirmation to know that the one who fought with these thugs was Harry, he also saved fizzy before anything heartbreaking happened. But at the same time they also got the feeling that there was more to that story, what... they couldn't figure out. And something in Harry's eyes said that they won't get an answer from him either.

The Palace was shook to its core when the incident was revealed to all. At the same time it was looked to that the news didn't spread all over the kingdom for various precautionary purposes. The King and Queen were so angry that they would tear the bones out of the flesh of those who tired to touch their daughter. But sadly all important decisions related to kingdom and the royal family were always taken by the court judgement.

This time the court that was called included only the close and important people in the kingdom, no one else was allowed. Lottie had not left the side of Fizzy since they came back. Louis dispite wanting to stay with her had to leave to fulfill his role of the prince in the court. Harry honestly was so blank he didn't even know how he reached the court. One moment he was in that shady room and next he was in the court hall surrounded by everyone waiting for his statement on the matter.

The king barely had any patience left in him, he just wanted to order the most cruel death possible for these bastards but still he had to know what exactly happened there. Why was Fizzy there without any security in the first place? Since she was shaken and emotional unstable at the moment according to Lottie the next person to ask what happened was Harry.

"I was at the party when I heard a cry, not wanting to create a sudden chaos I followed the sound to find princess Felicity there along with these guys. They were... they-"

He couldn't continue further seeing the pain in the royal family's eyes. Instead he continued saying,
"I immediately saved her and tried to calm her down when the prince's arrived and handled the situation."

More like exploded but ya.. the Queen who was silent the whole time looked at Harry and then those half head prisoners behind him.

"You mean to say you are the one who did that to them?" OK, valid question if Harry was a normal person but he is not. But what can he say, boost about his inhuman strength in front of everyone. No, thank you.

"What I don't understand is how did they get Fizzy in the first place. Like how did they break through our security in the first place..?" Louis asked maybe to divert the topic or out pure curiosity. Who knows?

Harry stayed quiet while the beaten up group of scum were looking at him with their half swollen eyes wondering why was he not tell the court what they told him earlier. That the princess was there to hire them to kidnap him.

The royal guard who was assigned to protect Fizzy was called upon who revealed that the princess herself left the Palace alone on her own will and blackmailed him to not tell anyone. The story was getting more and more confusing.. why on earth would she leave all alone without any protection?

(Maybe to do something that shouldn't be know or done by a princess. Duh..)

Seeing that their destroyer didn't want the secret to be out the thugs stayed quiet as well. No matter how much beating they received from the guards they didn't utter a single word. Anything was better than to anger this inhuman guy.

We'll Need You (Book 2) || Zainourry StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora