Chapter 1

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"It's weird we're finally in 7th grade. I feel old." I said to my best friend, Franny, as we walked into school. "Also, I have a new crush. I've known him for a while and we talked a little. He's my friends older brother and I see him at my softball practices because his sister is on my team."

"Ooooh. What's his name?" She asked.



"Don't judge. How's everything with your dude?" I knew Franny didn't like to talk about her crush that much since they were best friends for the longest time and she still wasn't sure how she felt towards him.

"Max is good," was all she said.

By this time we had reached our classroom. "I'm going to walk to my locker, I'll be right back."

I had the same locker as last year so it was pretty easy to find. I turned the corner and immediately I saw a boy. He was definitely new since I had never seen him before.

He was a little shorter than me and he had blue eyes and blonde hair that fell messily on his head. He's kinda cute. Stop it, Y/n, you like Ayden remember?

I locked eyes with the boy for a split second as we walked pass each other. And then he was gone, and I was at my locker. I would forget about this encounter by the next day.

As I was walking back to my classroom I looked inside the 6th grade class and you'll never guess who I saw. I mean, you probably can guess, it was the mystery boy.

Interesting, he's a year younger than me. I guess that's cool.


The day went by pretty quickly and study hall came.

"I have to go to band. Meet up after?" I said to Franny. She gave me a thumbs up not even looking away from her math homework.

I played the drums, so I didn't need to bring an instrument in since they had drums in the music room.

When I got to the room I saw one of my friends, Daniel, who was sitting with his trumpet, the latest of his instruments that he was learning. So far he could play drums, guitar, cello, piano and violin. Daniel was in some of the same classes as me and I've known him since first grade.

"Hey, Y/n." I went and sat down next to him.

"Hey, Seavey."

That's when I saw him. The mystery guy. He walked into the music room with a guitar on his back.

"Hi. Name?" The music teacher asked him.

"Uh Corbyn Besson."

"Sit over there, Mr. Besson." Our teacher pointed to an open seat next to me. I felt my face flush but I couldn't tell why.

"Hi, I'm Corbyn." He said to me and Daniel.

"Daniel Seavey, nice to meet you Corbyn." Daniel said.

I just stared. He was cute. Ayden who? I felt Daniel nudge my arm.

"Oh uh, I'm Y-y/n."

"Nice to meet you Y/n." he smiled. Wow. He has a nice smile.

I know I would look forward to band class from now on.

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