Chapter 14

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"Y/n. Daniel wasn't sick. He sent me in his place because he knew... He knew I still had feelings for you. To be honest, I love you, I always have and I always will. And I'm assuming you don't feel the same but I just had to say it." I closed my eyes ready for her to yell or be mad or something.

But instead she hugged me. I was stiff and in a trace but I broke myself out of it to hug her back. I wrapped my arms around her back. This felt amazing.

"Corbyn." She broke the hug. "I can't say it back. I'm not ready, but I do like you, a lot."

"That's okay. I'll give you the time you need."


Awkward silence again.

"I should get going." I turned around and walked towards the door.

"Or you could stay?" She said from behind me.

I slowly turned around. "Really?" I smiled a little bit. She nodded.

She went to her room and brought back a pair of mens shorts and a sweatshirt. "When my brother comes to stay with me I keep some of his clothes here because he forgets some stuff half the time." I nodded and grabbed the clothes. After changing I saw Y/n sitting on the couch. She was also wearing a sweatshirt and a pair of shorts.

"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked.

"Of course."

After the movie ended, Y/n snuggled into my side and I just held her.

"Goodnight, Corbyn." She whispered.

"Goodnight." I kissed the top of her head.

It was a good night indeed.

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