Chapter 2

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It's been two months. I've gotten over Ayden, that didn't last long. Band class was the best class ever, since it was the only class I had with Corbyn. I only had it once a week though. I also saw Corbyn every so often in the halls since our lockers were close to each other. We had our first band concert coming up, it was tonight actually. I wasn't that nervous, especially with Daniel and Corbyn in our band class, they are amazing at playing instruments. I didn't get to talk to Corbyn much, though. Every time I saw him I just couldn't get the words out. He made me so nervous.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Franny talking to me. "So, you ready for the concert tonight, Y/n?"

"Yep. I think it will be fun." The school day went by pretty quickly, and soon enough, I was doing a test run on the drums. After I was done doing a warm-up I went over to where Daniel was sitting at the Keyboard.

"You think this will go well?" He asked.

"With you playing the keyboard, how could it not?" I joked.

"Are you mocking me?"

"Why of course not Mr. Seavey." We both laughed. I looked up and saw.. Corbyn staring at me. He saw I noticed him and he quickly looked away. Weird. I kept talking to Daniel, but I kept thinking about him. Was he actually looking at me? Or was it just a coincidence? Sure enough, five minutes later I caught him looking at me again. Yeah, definitely not a coincidence. He looked back at his guitar and practiced a few chords.

The concert went by in a blur. I could only think about Corbyn. Why did he look at me? Was it because there was a chance that he liked me? I mean I guess it's possible.


"I think I have a new crush." I blurted out during lunch.

"Oh my god, who?" Franny asked.

"Look over there." I pointed to where Corbyn was sitting.

"You like the new kid?" She yelled.

"Shhhh! Could you have said that any louder?" I shushed her. Looking around, I noticed that no one heard her, thank god.

"Sorry." She laughed.

"Yes, I think I like the new kid." I replied.

"Ooh, you should tell him."

"Are you serious? No way." I said.

"Okay, your loss then. Also Max and I started dating." She smiled happily.

"OH MY GOD WHEN?" I can't believe she didn't tell me. Franny explained how Max asked her to go to the movies. They were going next Saturday.

Little did Franny know that she would text me that night saying Max wanted to break up with her. He was a toxic guy and I hoped she would find someone better for her.

And little did I know that I would get a special message in the following weeks.

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