Chapter 13

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"Corbyn?" I said shocked. I was sitting at a table with Jake, we were waiting for Daniel, but he never showed.
"Why are you surprised? You said your boyfriend was coming. That is him right?" Jake said.
I was about to say no, but Corbyn spoke. "Yeah, I'm Corbyn Besson, nice to meet you.Y/n is probably a little surprised because I was a little late today. I'm always early to stuff so it's a little shocking that I'm late. My apologises." He stuck his hand out and Jake shook it.
"Uhm Corbyn, can I talk to you for a second, over there." I didn't let him answer, I just pulled his arm and brought him to a more private area.
"Why are you here??"
"Well..." he started to explain.

2 hours earlier.
Corbyns Pov:

I sat in my room with my face in my hands. Of course she would like Daniel. I didn't even get a chance to tell her how I felt, to ask her out. There's no point now.

"Bro," Daniel came into my room.

I just nodded my head his way.

"Okay, I have a plan, are you in?" He asked. This made me even more confused. Once he explained why Y/n "asked him out" everything started to make more sense. I listened very closely as he explained his plan.

"I won't be going on the date. You will. Just dress up in something nice, I'll give you the address and you will go in my place. Tell Y/n that I got sick and you offered to come in my place. She'll believe you, you pretend to be her girlfriend. Then take her home tonight and tell her how you feel when you are alone. Sound good?" Daniel said.

It took me a minute to process all this information, but I got it and nodded. Daniel left and I started getting ready.

At the restaurant:

"We should probably go back to the table. Mr. Prettyboy is probably getting suspicious. He might think we're doing it in the bathroom or something." I shrugged. I saw Y/n's cheeks get red and smiled to myself.

She didn't say a word and just walk back to the table.

The rest of the night went pretty smoothly. After an hour of talking, Jake noticed a guy he said he knew and went to talk to him. They disappeared to the bathroom to do who knows what. Oh yea turns out Jake is Bi, which made the dinner a lot less awkward because he was more concerned with the hot guy at the table over, rather than me and Y/n "dating."

Jake was no where to be found after a while and Y/n was getting tired. Apparently Jake drove her, so I offered to drive her home.

When we got to her apartment I helped her inside and I was about to leave when I heard her voice.

"Thanks, Corbyn. For pretending to be my boyfriend. It must have been awkward."

"It wasn't that bad." I shrugged.

An awkward silence came over us. It was now or never...

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