Chapter 16

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I'm walking with Louis and Harry back to the main part of the castle where Liam and Niall are and we walk into the operating room and I say "Liam you might need to look at Harry." And Liam says "Why?" And he turns around and says "Oh ok so what happened?" And I say "The devils disease that's what." And Liam says "Alright Harry come here and sit on the table ok." And Harry says "Sure." And he walks to Liam and sits on the table and says "So what's first Liam?" And Liam says "We'll have to reattach your skin." And he nods and says "Carry on." And then Liam pulls out a giant skin and reattach's it to Harrys bones and then Liam's father walks in an says "Zayn come here." And I walk up to him and say "Yes Taylor?" And then he slaps me and says "Your too perfect." And I nod and walk back to Niall and kiss him.
I stand and look at Louis and see him looking at me so I smile at him brokenly and he looks at me and smiles back and so I fake smile back at him and he says "You ok Harry?" And I say quietly "Yeah I'm fine Louis." And then Liam says "You guys wanna play football?" And Louis and Niall and Zayn all nod and I say "I'll pass." And everyone looks at me and says "Seriously Harry how come?" And I say "I just don't want to but I'll watch ok." And Liam says "Ok just tell us if you want to join in ok." And I nod and walk outside to the football field and I sit near Louis' goal and watch him play goalie and I don't really pay attention to the game I just look at the ground hopelessly only to have someone's voice break through my thoughts "Harry you ok?" And I look up and see Zayn looking at me so I say "I'm fine." And he says "Well I'm gonna bring you inside ok." And I nod and stand and walk with my head down to the palace with Zayn next to me. (Yes I made Harry have major depression because he thinks no one loves or cares about him the trigger when the boys put him in the dungeon and when he pleaded with Louis to let him out Louis just left so now Harry's depressed.) and I look at Zayn and he looks at me and says "Harry do you have depression?" And I nod and say brokenly "Yeah I'm too far gone to be saved Zayn no one can save me now." And before I know it I'm sobbing brokenly into Zayn's jacket.
I look at Harry and say "Well I'm going to try my best to fix you Harry." And he says "Yeah right." And I help him stand and together we walk inside and to Harry's chamber and I say "Harry you ever need help come talk to me ok." And. He nods and closes the door and so I walk back outside to the game only to hear something smash from inside Harry's room so I run back with Liam and Niall and Louis to Harry's room only to find the door locked so I unlock it and it creaks open and we see.

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