Chapter 18

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I'm waiting for Liam to say it so I say "Well what's wrong with him?!" And Liam says "He's comatose Louis and there's no tell when or if he'll wake up." And I say "So how long does he have?" And Liam says "Judging by how deep the cuts are I'd say around 3 to 4 weeks." And I nod and go back to rubbing Harrys curls and then I say "Liam could you preserve his soul and put it into another body?" And Liam says "I could try but there's no telling if it would work or not." And I say "Try it please I lost him once I'm not going to loose him again." And Liam nods and goes to work on getting Harrys soul out of his body as eventually does and then creates another body for him with straight blonde hair and dark grey eyes and a American accent and a really tan complexion
And I look at Harry and then Liam says "I had to create a whole new personality for him and I also had to change his name to Austin Spencer." And I say "Will he remember us?" And Liam says "Yeah he will." And I sit next to him and gently grab his hand and kiss it softly which then causes Austin to wake up and say "What's happening Liam could you please tell me what's going on." And Liam says "Well you nearly killed yourself twice so I gave you a different chance to live life again but your different and your names now Austin Spencer your an American male model and singer and your hairs now blonde and also you have dark grey eyes and a American accent." And Austin says "Seriously!!" And Liam says "Seriously." And I say "Austin just let it out." And I hug him as the tears flow." And I wipe his tears away and smile reassuringly at him.
I stand and walk to the mirror and see someone totally different I see a blonde haired American model with amazing hair and teeth and eyes and so I say "Niall can I talk to you?" And Niall says "Sure Austin." And he walks in and says "Man you sure do look different." And I say "Don't push your luck Horan." And he says "Ok sorry." And I say "So you wanted to chat?" And Niall says "Yeah let's go play football and chat." And I say "Yeah let's go." And I pull out a football and I say "Come on Ni lets go." And Niall nods and we walk outside to the football field where we play one on one football American style

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