Using? (Lime- Nightmare)

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You were leaned up against a tree talking to yourself in your mind. You were starring at the sky enjoying the view... Was fully clear or fully clouded... It was perfect...

'Stop being jealous... Your just a tool... He left to go see his love so stop it'

"Such negativity"

You jumped at the tentacle against your cheek. Nightmare came around in front of you starring amused at best. You huffed as it all went away from you.... It annoyed him once again....

"Can you not bother my relaxing time? Don't you got stuff to do?"

"Not at the moment"

"Lies boss... Go see your boyfriend"


"And can you move please? I'm trying to watch the sky"

"Why should i?" He pulled your lower half closer holding your chin as blush raised on your cheeks "I can do anything I want"

"That's a damn lie nightmare.... You know it... Not let go, I'm not your play thingy... Can say you because if already being used so..."

"Really? This again?"

'His grip tighten'
"Yeah? So? We mean nothing to you so stop acting like we do nightmare"

"... Your just jealous"


"The idea of me being alone and doing things with others, or ccino"

"Pfff! Why would I love a toxic person like you!? That's funny boss"


"nightmare, let's not forget you kill humans, your bad guys, my boss, a ball of negativity that doesn't like positivity.... So I highly doubt that's be important.... Even if I am or not, it's meaningless... And for the record I'm not, or in love with you"

"Then who?"


"I feel emotions so?"

"..... Why you need know? Not your life or like this person gonna distract me or ruin my job"


"So? Why you need to know!?"

—Few momemts later—

"Where... The boss said he was going to see... She shouldn't be that far... I found her sky gazing last time... Wait bos! Uh"

Killer froze at nightmare and them making out against a tree. They were gipping his sleeve not able to do nothing against his force flustered... Those multiple tongues must come in handy....

"Ahh.... Y-you damn! Why you even do that!?"

"Cause you don't admit it"

"wah! I don't!" You growled flustered at the unamused light "so stop it!"

"Uh huh..."

"Mhm! St-stop it nightmare! Ngh!"


You gave in wrapping around his neck letting him mark you up. He already was holding you closely and definitely wasnt gonna let you go... Killer gonna by the way... He knew you both love each other... Nightmare just hasn't realized and probably trying to figure out...

"F-fuck... Stop it! This isn't!"

"Hm... Haha, look at this pretty thing"

"Sh-shut up and leave it alone"

"Okay, okay.... And you do"

He kisses you against seeing you about to respond with anger. You closed your eyes giving in all the way... He can do whatever... Only him though... Nightmare was watching you getting excited by the color to his cheeks....

'Maybe I really do love Y/N... But.. I can't... Damn it...'

"N-nightmare~" He backed away bring his tongues in grinding "ohgod..."

"You should move too"

"Mnh... Ri-right... This fine?"

"It's perfect" You put your head on his shoulder listening to his erotic voice "god damn..."

"Ha, ha... Mm..."

"Such a good girl" (This is more like a pet name but if it bugs you that much, people who don't identify as that gender, you put what you like)

He squeezed your butt to the light suck on his neck. Is he erging you to continue? You went back sucking and licking... For bones... Well, would this darkness be considered.....

"Y-yeah!" He had lifted your legs "boss~!"

"Holy hell... Hold tightly"

"Mhm! I- it's sogood~"

"I know sweetheart" (Another nickname, like I said before, bugs you? Change it)

He kissed you again as you two continued movement. You weren't going to stop him... No way... He's just using our again wasn't he?

"You know" He had backed away "me and ccino broke up for reasons"

"Y-you did... Ha, ha... Why?"

"We both fell in love with someone else" Your eyes widen as he went to your ear "my person was you"


"He help me realize... He was so happy to hear since he loved someone else too... He didn't want to hurt me... Which I applaude him for"


"Don't worry... I won't fuck just yet"

"A-ah! You bitch!"

"Hahaha, what can I say? Not like your ear is bleeding"

'He just had to ruin the moment didn't he?'

The end!

(Sorry for mistakes; trying to make Y/N as genderless possible for everyone can read which is difficult cause I keep writting girl pronouns-)

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