Just LV? (Fluff- Murder/Dust)

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You were in your au like normal. Doing your everyday normal. It's peaceful after the war, and luckily they weren't sent away after the ended. Perfect harmony you can say... Well... Until some skeleton who appeared out of know where started dusting and killing everyone...

Everything was being destroyed left and right with people screaming. Dust was scattered across the ground and air along with blood... You were running too.... You could fight bit they look like stone cold murders... Especially with that lv....

You then stopped coming across three sleletons pinning a group of people... That isn't good... and no were to hide... People just running past.... You took a breath making a decision throwing knives at them the these moved killing the group...

"My apologies"

The group smiled knowing you did that on purpose... Rather you then someone weirdos.... Everyone did know you... You turned coldly seeing the three with weapons...

"What do we got here?"

"I don't... What you think? By looks of it, I'm just simply LV"

"Human with magic... How rare"

"Hmm... Won't call me human then holely"

"I'll deal with this Free LV, you two go before the boss gets mad"

"Okay dusty boi!"
"Sure, I'm hungry anyways"

"Hmm..." You went attacking getting blocked with a bone "Are you sure I'm just free LV?"

"We have see and find out if so" He winked "love~"

To be continued......

(Sorry for mistakes; motivation out the window-)

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