22 - We finally get War Machine

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PREVIOUSLY ON: League of Superheroes

Quite a lot actually transpired in the last chapter? At least in terms of character development, it was a very Tony and Taeyong centred chapter. They watched Tony's father, Howard Stark, talk about his inventions and the arc reactor, visited a very busy and angry Pepper Potts and eventually created a new element.

One to help Tony's palladium problem... and hopefully more.


Taeyong sat by the kitchen desk, wearing some noise cancelling headphones whilst he played Uno with Agent Coulson. The agent was both humouring the young boy in the game, whilst he watched Tony Stark actively destroy the house that S.H.I.E.L.D. had just finished rebuilding. One minute Tony was taking to the walls with a sledge hammer (hence, Taeyong and his headphones) and the next he was drilling holes into the floor.

"Your father is either going insane or he's really a genius," Coulson commented offhandedly, putting down a wild card and changing their streak of reds to green. Taeyong sighed, looking at his hands miserably.

"Happy sometimes says that there's no difference," the boy commented, humming as he peeked at his dad. Tony had finished the noise polluted work and moved onto fiddling with wires and pipes. Taeyong took off his headphones and handed them to Coulson. The agent turned around, putting the headphones in a spare plastic bucket before looking back at the game.

Taeyong had an innocent grin plastered onto his face whilst he motioned for Coulson to pick up a few cards, precisely, four. Coulson pursed his lips but continued wordlessly, he never expected to win fairly with any Stark. Taeyong and Coulson continued to play their game until Coulson won. Taeyong wasn't too happy, they continued to play until the younger boy got frustrated, he got up and left the kitchen. Moving into the living room where his dad was.

"You broke the perimeter," Taeyong said.

"Uh yeah, bud, like three years ago. Where have you been?"

Taeyong gave a small shrug even though his dad was facing away from him, "cheating at Uno."

"Ahh, just like I taught you," Tony praised.

Taeyong opened his mouth, actually Obadiah taught me first- The young boy quickly shook the thought away from his head. It was true of course, Obadiah did teach him how to cheat at almost any card game they played together, but Tony didn't need to know that. Rather, hear it. Instead, he went to go sit by his dad, looking around at all the mess. He picked up a long object from the ground and stared at it.

"What's this?" he asked, turning to look up at Tony.

His dad stared at the object before his eyes lit up. "That's it. That's exactly what I needed," his hands were quick to shoo Taeyong by the big machine he was working on. Instead of a machine to create a possible new element, it seemed more like a pile of junk you'd take to a science fair hoping to win a prize. Of course, that's what Taeyong and Johnny did every year for Mark, the younger taking a liking to science... or rather the cool looking, foreign objects.

Tony instructed him around the machine (once again, junk pile) and had Taeyong lift up the thick, copper coils before shoving the long object underneath out. Taeyong ran under the machine and back to his dad, spinning around to see his contribution. "I don't get it," he said.

"It adds balance."

Taeyong nodded, having no clue what that meant. Both the Starks were interrupted by Agent Coulson who walked right in front of them, blocking the machine from view. "Here to say goodbye. I've been reassigned, Director Fury wants me in New Mexico."

[1] Taeyong Lee-Stark and the League of SuperheroesWhere stories live. Discover now