11 - Obadiah's true colours come out

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PREVIOUSLY ON: League of Superheroes

Tony and Rhodey get into an argument over the billionaire's new antics to become a hero and right his wrongs. With this Rhodey leaves and Pepper is only a few steps away from doing that herself. Taeyong stays with his dad, promising to never leave the man. But, when Pepper says that Taeyong needs to stay away from all this mess, Tony agrees.

They're separated once again.


Maybe having Taeyong gone was a bad idea. The mansion was completely silent and although Tony usually worked on his own his entire life, having Taeyong with him in the recent weeks was a nice change. There was also an underlying anxiousness bubbling in the very pit of Tony's stomach with the knowledge that Pepper was risking her life gathering information against Obadiah that Tony had sent for her to complete.

If anything happened to Pepper then that would be on Tony. She wanted out and he wouldn't let her, even when she quit and was free to walk away. Tony shook his head, there was nothing that he could do now. She was gone and she continued to get information, because she knows that she can do it. Also that Tony was in no condition to walk out of the mansion let alone his bedroom.

The genius knew that there was no point in trying to find ways to make him feel more guilty. No. He had a mission to do and right now taking baby steps seemed like a good plan. Wait for Pepper to call but right now he was going to complete the suit in front of him. Mark III this one would be, after almost getting blown to pieces because of army aircrafts, Tony needed to fix up his suit.

Slaving away on the CNC machine, different metal parts started to cut out in front of him. The machine worked hard whilst Tony manually controlled it- before all the power to that machine cut. Tony leant back, looking at his unfinished work with confusion. "Jarvis? What gives?"

"You have a visitor, Sir. Obadiah Stane is here," the A.I. responded.

Tony felt his face features move to surprise. He looked around his now messy lab and working space. Taeyong's work area still pretty well kept because the younger hardly had much projects as of late. He took one lasting look at the machine parts that he had been making for his suit and then went back upstairs, to his awaiting guest.

Obadiah didn't seem to take that Tony smelt faintly of metallic metals and was seemingly covered with different oil stains. The man had on his crisp, cut CEO suit and graced Tony with a simple smile and an arm out, balancing a pizza box. "IT's UNOS, four cheese," Obadiah said, placing the pizza on the living room table. "I just had it flown in from Chicago," he explained.

"That's a shame," Tony said, walking in with an air of cautiousness. "Taeyong-ah's not here."

Obadiah sighed, "you can have it too." Obadiah tried for another friendly smile but Tony remained stoic. It seemed like whatever it is that Obadiah wanted, he was not going to get over pizza. Which was a fair prediction to make. "I'd like you to proof-read something for me," he handed over a folded letter.

Tony took the letter from his hands, "Would you like me to spell-check it, Sir?" Jarvis said. Tony's eyes skimmed through most of the letter-

"Can you turn him off? All the way?" Obadiah asked.

"Spin down Jarvis," Tony mumbled. After finishing the gist of the letter he turned back to Obadiah. "Your resignation?" he held the paper back out to Obadiah, who took it and nodded solemnly.

"You were right. It's not my company- not my name on the building." Obadiah looked back at Tony and gave him a small smile. "We were a great team... but I guess this is where out paths diverge."

[1] Taeyong Lee-Stark and the League of SuperheroesWhere stories live. Discover now