[8] Good Vampire Hunting

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Once Abby and I have waved goodbye to my parents and walked out of the inner courtyard back to the street outside their apartment building, she waggles her eyebrows at me, her face half-lit from the street light. "Are you in the mood to go out?"

I groan. "Abby..."

"Invite Neil," she says. "And Fred! It'll be fun, I promise."

"I don't know," I say. "Is it bad for me to go out after finally reuniting with my parents?"

"Pffft, c'mon, Vick, celebrate!"

I raise an eyebrow. "Celebrate what?"

She puts a hand on my shoulder and squeezes. "You're making progress as a vampire."

"That's the first time you haven't said 'fledgling' to me."

"Well"—she turns on her heel, grabs my arm, and heaves me in step beside her—"you almost are, you know. A fully-grown vampire, that is." She lets go of my arm, and I join her pace willingly.

Her words sink in for a few moments, and we're simply walking down the street. One street lamp flickers ahead. A group of loud teenagers passes us by—humans, I think, because one of them jumps when they give Abby and me a second look—but otherwise all is quiet, except for the click of Abby's boot heels on the pavement.

As we walk, I pull my phone out and prepare a couple of messages, the first to Neil.

Vick: Heyyy, how are you tonight? :)

I move to turn my phone off and stow it back in my pocket, but Neil texts back almost instantly.

Neil: Nothing much. Was kind of hoping to hear from you :) How was dinner with your parents?

Vick: Honestly, I didn't know how much I needed that. It's kind of thanks to you (and a convo with my friend Abby) that sort of made me brave enough to reach out to them.

Neil: You give me too much credit, Vick! Haha I'm so glad it went well though, really!

Vick: Abby said she wants to go out, but I'm not sure where. Want to come and join us? She'd love to meet you, and I think a couple of others may join us.

Neil: Yes yes YES. Let me get ready, text me the location, and then I'll meet you there. xoxo

xoxo. That's a great sign. I grin like a goof as I respond with a "you got it!" Abby clears her throat, and I look up.

"How have you been walking with your phone in your hand?" she asks.

"How have you picked up contemporary habits like using a cell phone so quickly? You know, since you're old."

She shoves my shoulder and turns the corner so quickly that I double back a second to catch up to her. "Oh hush. Vampires learn fast. Besides, things are more fun nowadays."

I sigh. "If you say so. Still a capitalist hellscape."

"Oh Vick. Always the optimist, aren't you?"

I scowl but, instead of giving her another snarky response, turn back to my phone. I open LINGR and pull up Fred's profile.

Vick: Hey Fred! Long time no see. Well, not that long. :) A couple of friends and I are going out tonight, if you'd like to join us.

"Abby," I groan, "are we almost there?"

"Patience," she says. "I know it's around here somewhere..."

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