[10] Fresh Blood

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Neil and I leave from the speakeasy together. Abby and Martha stick around with Fred, Luis, and Jill, deep in a conversation about Underworlder and human politics. On another day, I have to make time to read up on Underworlder politics in more depth, now that is my world too. I squeeze Neil's hand as we walk down the street outside, even though I almost lose my step on more than one occasion.

"So why was there a mosh pit at a speakeasy?" I say, my words only slightly slurring together. I'm not too drunk, but I'm definitely not sober, kiddos.

"Why not?" Neil says. We turn the corner. "We're not far from that McDonald's, right?"

I grin viciously. "I'm so glad I convinced you to come try drunken McDonald's with me."

When we round yet another corner, there it is: the golden arches. I wish I could still salivate. "It's... beautiful..." I hiccup. "Oh man, my vampire body is going to hate me tomorrow. My mom's meatloaf, booze, and now McDonald's in one night. I really need some blood."

Neil pulls his hand out of my grasp and squeezes my shoulder. "One thing at a time. Let's go."

We enter wonderland. It's crowded with humans, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm drunk or what, but their bloodstreams pound to the beat in my head. I hesitate, looking at Neil. "Oh no... maybe this wasn't a good idea."

"I'll help you," he says. "Just pay attention to me, me and my bloodstream." He takes my hand again, as well as braces his other hand on my arm. I twitch but not because of his touch: I really hear some good blood somewhere nearby. Then, though, I know I hear his own bloodstream closer to me: steady, sturdy, Neil. "Let's take the McDonald's back to your place," he says softly. "Get two of whatever you order so I can try it."


Thirty minutes later, we're back at my apartment and chomping on our respective Big Macs. "Ohmuguh," Neil groans, his mouth stuffed with food. He swallows a giant bite. "Why the fuck have I never tried this before?! Humans normally have to give me a second glance before they know I'm a witch!"

I also gulp down a huge bite. "I'm not gonna lie, Neil... I would have no idea you were a witch if I met you as a human. Absolutely no clue."

He chuckles and takes another bite. I don't hear what he says about identifying witches because his mouth is full, but it's okay: he looks cute when he eats, with his cheeks puffed and his nose wrinkled.

After a few minutes, we're finished eating. Neil groans, rubbing his tummy, leaning back in his seat. I lick my lips and, ignoring the slowing thrum of Neil's bloodstream, make my way into the kitchen, so I can open the fridge and pull out a blood packet. "One of these to top off the night," I say, raising it toward Neil. "Cheers."

"Wait," he says, sitting up. He meets my gaze and blushes. "Um, Vick, if you want to... you know... bite me, I'd be okay with that."

"O-oh." God. If I could melt, I would. Neil looks so earnest, so kind—I put the blood packet into the fridge and make my way back over to him. He scoots his chair closer to me. "Neil," I whisper, "I'm scared. I haven't... I've only drank blood packets before."

"I'm just offering." He takes my hand and smiles. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"N-no, I do." His heart is pumping faster. Th-thump. Th-thump. I've tried so hard to suppress my urges for blood so that I can live as close to human-normal as I can, but now... maybe it's time. "I don't want to hurt you, though."

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