One Final Author's Note

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Aaaahhh what a whirlwind! Thank you so much for reading I'LL BE HERE ALL LIFE! It is complete in time for the final ONC round at 20,711 words. I didn't think I'd finish it before then, but here we are!

Writing about Vick, Abby, and everyone else was a big stress reliever these past few months. I enjoyed letting them take the reigns, and take the reigns they did because this story is not exactly what I thought it would be. However, I'm happier it turned out this way: it feels authentic, even if a bit cheesy. I don't normally write happy endings (bittersweet endings are my thing), but I can tell Vick wanted an ending full of queer joy, and that is what they deserve! 

Writing Vick helped me come to terms with my own nonbinary self, something I am still working on personally. Writing a character who is so unabashedly themselves, encountering other characters who are unabashedly themselves, helped me see a world full of more queer love and joy. I needed this just as much as the characters needed it. 

Of course, I do wish I could have fleshed certain parts of the story out more. That may come in the future, if it ever does. But until then, really, thank you for reading. 

Lyss, aka L. Redd

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