Chapter 12

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We turned around, and Christina was standing there. "Seriously, Christina, we're trying to find Kait and joking isn't helping." Calum said, starting to walk in the other direction.

"Who said I was joking?" She smirked.

"Where the fuck is she?" Luke asked, walking up to her.

"Like I said, somewhere you'll never know." Christina said. "You don't even know if she's alive or not."

"WHERE THE HELL IS SHE CHRISTINA?!" Luke yelled. Phil and the others came out of their rooms.

"What's going on?" Troye asked.

"It's her. It's all her. She's the reason we're here. Shes the reason that we've gone through hell and back." Ashton explained, while pointing at Christina.

"No. I don't believe you." Lauren defended her. "My sister wouldn't have put me through that."

"Thanks Lauren, but they are right." Christina said.

"W-what do you mean?" Lauren asked. She seemed like she was about to cry.

"I. Don't. Care. About. You. Or Dani, or the rest of you." Christina said, with no emotion like everyone knew what she was talking about. "I can't believe all of you fell for everything."

I felt Phil's hand intertwine with mine.

"And just to let you all know, you have about eh, maybe an hour to get out of here."

"What?!" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, good luck getting out of here before you all blow up." My jaw dropped.

"Oh and Luke, have fun finding Kait. Here's the key to the room if you find where she is." She threw Luke the key, and he caught it.

"What about you?" I asked, breaking apart from Phil and walking to her.

"Dan, do you really think that i wouldn't have a way to get out of here? And why would I tell you, anyways." She walked off downstairs. The Cimorelli girls we're in shock, Luke looked like he was about to blow up in anger(no pun intended), and everyone else seemed to be panicking in their own heads.

"We have to find-" "No fucking duh. Anyone have a plan?" I asked, cutting Anthony off.

"My sister is a psychopath." I heard Dani say to herself.

"Find Kait. And then we can-" "Everything can't just be about her. We have to find a way out first. We only have an hour!" Calum cut Quinn off.

"Well sorry if she's my best fucking friend, Calum. You would wanna find Michael first if he was about to get killed somewhere."

"Guys! Fighting won't get us anywhere." Melanie interrupted them. "Maybe we should find Kait, and we could find a way out when we find the room she's in."

"I agree with Mel." Anthony. said.

"Same here. Be fast, now we only have around 40 minutes." I told them, and we headed off in our different directions. (Cue cartoon Louis voice: we can't go in two directions, we have to go in one direction ok I'll stop now)

Quinn POV

Sarah, the 5sos boys, and I were all looking around by where we found Sarah when she came here. I was listening for screaming or crying, but I hadn't heard anything yet.

"Guys. I hear something." Ashton said. We walked over to where he is. He had his ear pressed up against a wall. I did the same, and heard faint crying. To Ash's right was a door.

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