Chapter 1

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Dani's POV

I checked my suitcase one last time before heading downstairs. "Alright uglies, lets go." I said. My sisters and I all went out to the car, put our stuff in, and left for Vidcon. It was really cool getting to perform there, and seeing all the other Youtubers and bands like us who started out on YouTube.

It took us about 2 hours to drive to the hotel. "Okay. Me, Lisa, and Amy in one room, and then Kathy, Laur, and Dani in the other. Here's your room key. Your room is right across from ours." Christina explained. Katherine nodded as she took the keycard from her.

I flopped on the bed when we got to the room. "I'm so excited, guys. We've never performed here before!" I said.

"And that's exactly why I'm nervous." Lauren sat beside me.

"It'll be fine, Laurie." Kath said. "Its just like any other show." Lo sighed.

"I guess."

Calum's POV

"C'mon Luke, we're gonna be late!" I complained.

"Calm down, Cal. I'm done lets go." I followed Luke out of the hotel room, and we ran into Michael and Ash on the way to the elevator. Today we're going to Vidcon, playing a couple songs and then talking about how we got our start on YouTube and stuff. When we got out to the cab, we started to drive to Vidcon.

We got put in a with a bunch of other Youtubers and internet people. We we're told to wait for our turn to go on the main stage. "Ashton!" Caspar Lee came walking toward us.

"Caspar!" Ashton got up from the couch and hugged him. "You guys remember him, right?" Ash asked. I nodded.

"No I don't remember him I have memory issues."

"Shut up Michael."

Dan's POV

"Thanks guys!" I said to the crowd. They started screaming and cheering.

"Love you guys!" Phil added. We waved and walked off the stage. A stage guy took our microphones, and we got lead into a room with a bunch of other Youtubers. I noticed 5 Seconds Of Summer were there, I remember them from when a lot of us went to go see One Direction last year. I noticed Anthony and Ian from Smosh walking up to us.

"Hey guys." I greeted them.

"Hi Dan, hi Phil." Ian said. We made small talk, catching up on stuff and whatnot.

Suddenly, the lights in the room shut off, and there was a scream; more scared than hurt. "Are ya'll okay?" I heard Tyler Oakley ask the room. Everyone said 'yes' or yeah'.

"Then who screamed?" I think one of the boys from 5sos asked. The lights flicked back on. There was two girls now in the room, sprawled out on the floor.

Quinn's POV

What the hell? Some guy just literally threw me and Kait through a door, into a pitch-black room, and I'm pretty sure he locked the door. The lights turned on in the room. "Are you two okay?" I sat up, and realized I was in a room full of YouTubers. Most, actually all, Kait and I are fans of. "Are you okay?" Someone asked, again. I looked up and saw Phil. I tried not to die right then and there.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said. I looked to my left to see Kait, looking around at everyone. "Kait are you good?" I asked her. She nodded, still figuring out if this was real or not.

"Do you know how you got here?" Phil asked us another question.

"Some guy just took us and shoved us in here. I have no idea why." I answered, again.

"Okay, I think its best if we leave this room." A girl's voice. I looked to my right and saw one of Kait's favorite bands, Cimorelli.

"I agree with Christina." I think Lisa said.

"Me too, even though I don't know you." I recognized Troye's voice. We all started heading towards the door.

"Um, It's not opening." Michael from 5sos said. How the heck didn't I notice them?

"You're probably opening it wrong." Luke said. He tried, too. "Okay, just kidding he's right."

"I told you!" Michael said.

"Is there any other way out?" Bethany Mota asked.

"No, that was it." Troye answered her.

All of us went back to stitting and whatever. "We have to find a way out." I'm pretty sure Katherine said.

"We know. We just need a little time to think." Connor said. "Anyway, we should just all introduce ourselves. Even if you know everyone, we should still say our names. State your name, and youtube name. I'll go first, I'm Connor. Youtube name, Connor Franta"

"Tyler. Youtube name, Tyler Oakley."
"Phil. AmazingPhil."
"Dan. Danisnotonfire."
"Marzia. CutiePieMarzia." "Destery. CapnDesDes."
"Nathan. AhoyNateo."
"Bethany. Bethany Mota."
"Caspar. Caspar Lee."
"Felix. Pewdiepie"
"Anthony. Smosh."
"Ian. Also Smosh."
"Zoe. Zoella"
"Troye. Troye Sivan."
"Luke. Hemmo1996 not anymore, but used to be and-"
"Anyway I'm Michael. 5sos." "Ashton. 5sos."
"Calum. 5sos."
"Christina. Cimorelli."
"I'm Quinn. I don't have a channel yet."
"And I'm Kait. My channel is Kaitlin Hart but I have 2 subscribers oh well."

(A/N yes I just wrote out all the names and yes I have no life)

Kait's POV

The best ever just happened to me, but we're all locked together in here so it's not like they're here by choice. "Can't someone call someone to get us out?" I suggested.

"I'll try Kalel." Anthony said, pulling out his phone. He spent a couple moments trying to do something. "Damn it, no service."

"Well, we must all be here for a reason. They couldn't have thrown them in here by accident." Felix aka Pewdiepie, said.

"Yeah, but who would've wanted to do that? It must've been someone who has something against us, or them." Ian added.

"Hey they have names!" Dani said. I turned to smile at her.


"Don't mention it, Kait."

"Okay, we might as well get comfortable, we don't know how long we're gonna be in here." Troye said. We agreed. There was a snack and candy bar in here that they had for the Youtubers, so we were good on food and drinks. Everyone started talking to each other again, probably about ways to get out or something.

This is honestly the most amazing, and simultaniously, the worst day of my life.


Helloooooo :)

So this is my first Youtube fan fic so don't kill me if it sucked :P I wanted to try something new, so this happened and I kinda like it a lot :D

Thanks for reading!

-Kaitlin :):*

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