Chapter 7

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Lauren POV

I woke up in a small room; my arms were bandaged, but not well. Someone threw me into this room after they cut my arms, and I must've blacked out. I heard someone softly singing. I got up, and looked around the room. No one was here and I realized it was me, probably out of habit. I stopped, just in case someone was listening. "Why'd you stop?" I jumped. There was a girl sitting in the corner. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Melanie."

Luke POV

We found Zoe and Caspar dead this morning. No one had seen them, so we sent Tyler to check on them. He came back in tears, explaining what he saw. It was pretty horrific from what I heard. Apparently Zoe had multiple stab wounds, and Caspar was poisoned with a syringe, still sticking in his arm when Tyler found them. Ashton hasn't talked since then, he and Caspar were good friends. Me and the boys have tried everything, but nothing seems to help.

"Um guys." Phil said, all heads turning to him. "Since we um, we don't know if we're gonna make it out of here, me and Dan have something to announce." I saw Kait, Quinn and Sarah exchange glances. "We-we're um uh-" Dan mumbled. Phil took his hand and intertwined their fingers. "Together." Phil finished for him. Kait, Quinn, and Sarah shared smiles. I remember how Kait told me she shipped them. I guess it's exciting for them.

Kait POV

Let me tell you, Phan is much cuter when they're not trying to hide anything. I'm happy for them, I just hope they make it out of here alive. "Hey guys." Anthony said. "So yesterday, when they told us to get to our rooms or one of us would die, they didn't keep their promise." I looked up at him. He was right. "So no matter what we do, they're gonna get us." Bethany said what we were all thinking. "The question is; who's next?" I wondered out loud. Everyone thought for a moment. "Let's not think about it like that." Calum said.

"We can't not think about it like that, Calum. They're serious here, we could get killed in a second, it's like that." Christina said. "Well sorry for being positive." He said, sarcastically. "We can't be positive!" "I DON'T WANNA THINK ABOUT MY THREE BEST FRIENDS DYING!" Cal yelled. "I'm sorry, but I seriously can't." He walked off, towards the main stage I think. "Wait! Calum!" Michael ran after him.

Me and Luke decided to go back upstairs. "Great, one of us isn't talking, and another one is mad. What now." My mind was off of Calum, and somewhere else. Warm tears flowed down my cheeks. "Hey, what's wrong?" Luke softly asked, lifting my chin with his finger. "What if I lose you. What if I lose Sarah, I mean we found her half dead. What if I lose Quinn?" What if I get killed?" I rambled. Luke pulled me into his chest, and wrapped his arms around me. I took my glasses off.

"Shhh...It's okay. We can make it out alive." "Now is not the time for quoting songs Lu-" "I'm being serious. I'll find a way to get us out of here. I don't care if it's the last thing I do, I'll keep you safe." I pulled away from him, and held up my pinkie. He chuckled. "Pinkie promise?" He put up his pinkie and wrapped it with mine. "Pinkie promise."

I smiled, looking up into his eyes.


I let tears fall onto Phil's bloody and bare chest. I had seen him get murdered myself, and I couldn't handle it. "I love you." I whispered, kissing his head, forehead, nose, then lips. "I'm so-so-sorry this ha-ha-happened Ph-phil." I stuttered, trying to keep myself together. I laid next to him on the bed, staring at the ceiling, wishing it was me instead of Phil.

SIKE HAHAHAHA (you're allowed to kill me I'm sorry)

"You know that I love you, right?" I said, pulling Phil in by his waist. "Yes Dan, I know. You know that I love you too, right?" I nodded. I pressed my forehead against his, looking into his deep blue eyes. "You're so beautiful." I whispered, before he collided his lips against mine. I brought my hands up to his head, deepening the kiss.

We pulled away, to catch our breaths. "Phillip Michael Lester." I breathed. "Daniel James Howell." We closed the gap between our lips again, falling back on to the bed.

There was a knock at the door, and pulled away from each other. "Come in." I said, loud enough for them to here. Lisa came in the room. "Oh um, sorry for interrupting." I looked at Phil, it definitely looked like we just made out. "You're fine. What's going on?" Phil asked. "We're having a mini funeral for Zoe and Caspar. The others want us downstairs." I nodded, and got up. I helped Phil and we followed Lisa out the door.

Someone had laid Zoe and Caspar on the main stage. Zoe was wearing a flower crown, and Caspar had on Ashton's bandana. "Now we're all here. Does anybody have anything to say?" Troye asked. Ashton went and stood next to him. "Caspar was the best friend anyone could ask for. He was funny, nice and caring. I'll miss you." Ashton sat back down. I could see tears streaming down his face. I got up and stood by Zoe. "Zoe was amazing. She was kind and loving. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we'll all miss her. She was great." I sat back down with a blank face. Phil took my hand in his and kissed my cheek.

"We love and miss you both." Tyler said. We all went silent for a moment, thinking of them. "I think its time." Connor said, quietly. He and Ian went on stage. Ian picked up Caspar, and Connor picked up Zoe. We all quietly walked back upstairs. Ian and Connor brought them to their room.


I laid Caspar down on the bed, and Connor put Zoe next to him. We pulled the sheets over them, and left the room. I silently went back to Anthony and I's room. I sat on my bed, staring at the floor. "Are you okay?" Anthony asked. I shook my head. "I have a feeling that I might be next. Am I crazy?" I asked, looking up at him. "A little, but try not to think about it. I think it's best if we just go to bed. Maybe the feeling will go away." He suggested. "Okay."

------Couple hours later------

I suddenly opened my eyes. There was a dark figure standing over me. "Anthony?" I assumed. "What?" He groaned, from the other side of the room. "What Ian?" The figure pressed something to my mouth, and I tried to push their arm off, but the were too strong. "IAN!" Anthony yelled, but it was too late, my vision was already fading. "NO IAN!" Was the last thing I heard.

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