Chapter 2

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(I have a collage of Dan's many derpfaces on the side. Enjoy it)

Quinn's POV

"Mind if I play some music?" I asked the room. A couple people shook their heads. I pulled out my phone, and started playing some music from Muse.

"Wait, who's playing that?" Dan asked.

"I am." I said.

"You like them?" He asked.

"No Dan, I listen to their music because I hate them." I sassed.

"I walked into that one. What's your favorite song by them?" He asked, coming over and sitting by me.

"Probably Panic Station."

"Oh from 2nd Law, I like their older stuff. My favorite would have to be either Falling Down or Sober." We continued to talk about Muse and some other bands that we liked.

(A/N I have no idea what Dan's fave song is from them so don't kill me if I got it wrong)

Kait's POV

I wasn't really talking to anyone, and Quinn was talking to Dan, so I decided to listen to my earbuds(which I brought everywhere). I started listening to Somewhere In Neverland by ATL. Quinn was part of the reason I got into them, plus I kinda wanted to get away from some of the pop music that I listened to a lot. I started mouthing the words, which was a weird habit I had. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Luke. I took one of my earbuds out and faced him. "Whatcha listening to?" He asked.

"Just some All Time Low." I answered.

"Really?" He asked. I blushed.

"Yeah, kinda weird I guess." I mumbled.

"No I meant that you didn't seem like the kind of girl who would listen to them. That's really cool." Luke said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Which song were you listening to?" He asked.

"Somewhere In Neverland. It's my favorite." I told him.

"I like that one, too. But I really like Outlines."

"I actually haven't heard that one, yet." I said.

"Then what have you heard?" Luke asked.

"Only 3 songs. Somewhere in Neverland, Weightless, and six feet under the stars. I've only just started listening to them." I explained. He nodded.

"You wanna listen to some of the stuff on my phone? We can use your earbuds, if you want." Luke suggested. I smiled and nodded, unplugging my earbuds.


"Guys, it's almost 11. Should we sleep soon?" Caspar asked the room. The room was filled with 'yeah's and 'I guess so's.

"Alright then. A few people get the couches and bean bags, and the others will have to make do on the floor." Christina said, taking charge.

"Who put you in charge?"

"Do you have anything to add then, Hood?" Calum shook his head. "That's what I thought." I went and got a bean bag, and Dani got the one next to me. Quinn got one of the couches(lucky) and Troye got the other one.

"Goodnight peoples." I said to the room as I took off my glasses.

"Goodnight everyone." Nathan said, as he turned off the light.

"Wait, there was a light switch?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, but when the power went out, no one was over there." Connor answered him.


Phil's POV

I woke up to someone singing, softly. "Baby we're fireproof. It's been so long its been so long, maybe we're fireproof." I sat up and looked around.

"Who is that?" I whsipered, making sure not to wake anyone else up.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll stop." The voice said.

"No, you're fine. But what's your name?" I asked.

"I'm Amy." She answered.

"Hi Amy. You have a nice voice." I said.


"Go the fuck to sleep." Dan groaned from a few feet away. "Sorry. Goodnight Amy." "Goodnight, Dan."

"I'm Phil."

"Sorry. Goodnight Phil."

(Don't worry, phan will happen so there's nothing going on with Phil and Amy)

I woke up to someone shaking me. "Phil, Phil get up. Someone unlocked the door." I sat up and saw Dan.

"Are you serious?" He nodded. Yesterday was the last day at VidCon, so we should be the only ones in the building. Dan helped me up, and we went out of the door to find the others. They were all in the main convention room.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" Ian yelled, frustrated.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"All the doors to the outside are locked." Quinn answered.

"So we're still trapped?" She nodded, slowly. "There has to be some other way. What about the-"

"Dan, its no use. We've checked and tried everything." Betheny cut him off.

"Shouldn't there be a security alarm we could set off?" He asked.

"They've been disabled." Beth explained.

"Who the hell is this big of a genius?" I asked.

"I don't know but they must be a pretty big bun."

"DANI! Now isn't the time." Christina scolded.

"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood." Dani defended herself.

"Does anyone have any idea how long we're gonna be here?" Ashton asked. We all shook our heads.

"We might as well make the most of it while we're here. They still have the game set up for yesterday's Game Bang. Anyone wanna play?" Kait asked.

"I do!" Michael said.

"Me too." Felix went to go play.

"You wanna come, Dani?" Kait asked her.

"Sure why not." They went off to go play their game.

Well, at least its not as bad as it could've been.



BTW 'Bun' and 'Ugly' are Cimorelli references that Lauren and Dani made up. Chicken is a thing, too. I have weird idols don't ask. ANYWAY actual drama is gonna happen soon ;) so be ready.

Thanks for reading!

-Kaitlin :):*

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