18. His Ex Part.2

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I let it ring three times thinking it was just my mom and then finally answered it.

"Hello?" I asked because I didn't know the number.

"Don't tell me you don't remember me baby," the voice said through the phone and I froze up.

  Giovanni's Pov

"Amber what the hell how did you get my number," I yelled through the phone.

"Oh that doesn't matter but tell your slut I will see her soon," she said to me and hung up.

"Giovanni who the fuck is Amber," Talia yelled in my face and to be honest I was kind of scared.

"I will tell you lets go-" she cut me off.

"Don't touch me or I will hurt you," she said sternly while looking me in the eyes.

"Okay well she's my ex girlfriend that I was with for 2 years I thought we were in love but then I walked in on her cheating on me, but I didn't stick around to see who the dude was because I walked out and left," I told her with my head in my hands.

I heard footsteps so I lifted my head to see Talia walking towards me.

She still looked upset, so I just stared at her to see what her next move was going to be.

It felt like forever, but she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips.

"I'm sorry for yelling but I need a picture of what she look like so that I could watch my back, I'm not about to be like other people and she be right under my nose and she catch me off guard," she said and I laughed because even though she's quiet I know she dangerous.

I mean havent you guys heard the saying Never Judge A Book By Its Cover.

But I grabbed my laptop and sat it on her lap since she was still sitting in mine, and looked up Amber.

"This is her babe so be careful when you go places and always have your cellphone on you," I told her while kissing her lips.

"Oh daddy I'm crazy too but I will keep my cellphone on me at all times," she said.

"I love you baby," I said while moving to lean back against the headboard.

"I love you too babe now lets watch another movie," I nodded my head and put a mental note to go to a jeweler so that I can marry my babe Talia.

All day we just sat and watched movies with Talia in my arms hugging and kissing on her.

I was having fun but I have a feeling things are about to get crazy soon.

My Italian Hottie (#Wattys2020) (Interracial) (Completed)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora