14. Reasons

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  Kendra's Pov (Giovanni's mom)

Hi guys my name is Kendra and yes I'm Giovanni's mom.

I'm 5'6 in height, with blonde, and blue eyes, and I'm married to Dave which is Giovanni's dad.

When my son brought home that black girl I was upset, because some black woman tried to get my Dave.

One day Dave and I were all cuddled on the couch, I had just forgiving him for cheating on me but I couldn't get mad because I cheated first.

But while we were cuddling there was a knock on the door and I went to answer it when a pretty black woman came in.

"Dave I'm pregnant and its yours," she said and that's when I started not to like black women.

For nine whole months she asked for things like clothes, shoes, money, and he did everything for her.

Dave and I were about to get a divorce, but he wanted a DNA test on the baby and we found out it wasn't his and that she just wanted money.

That's the story of how and why I don't like black women, they are all gold diggers.

But I have a feeling that Talia is a good girl, and I can see that he loves her but I still don't like her so I will keep my eyes on her for awhile.

"Mom are you going to speak," my son said and I shook my head to get rid of the memory's.

"Talia and Giovanni I am sorry could you forgive me?" I asked.

Talia looked hesitant but shook her head yes.

She walked to the bathroom and I heard water run.

"Mom whatever you have against blacks are black women needs to stop, I love her and she is going to be with me whether you like it or not, so be nice or this will be the last time you see me," he explained and I nodded my head that I understand.

Giovanni pulled me into a hug.

"I love you mom, but you have got to respect her because she has done nothing to you," he said and with that I left out the room and went to mine.

"Honey I know that we had a rough past but we have got through it, that girl didn't come in here saying she was pregnant, plus she told us that she got her own things, so she is not like other girls that Giovanni had. She loves him and he loves her so when you have a chance I want you to tell them our story and apologize," he told me.

"But I alrea-" before he could finish he stopped me.

"I don't care what you already did, I want you to do it again and mean it," he said sternly.

With that I showered and Dave and I sat down and watched movies all night.

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