Chapter 0.1

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The girl encased in glass looked up. She was cold and wet as she was in water of course. But still, it's not like she wanted to be there. She didn't know how long she had been there or how long she was going to be here. Her heart still, her arms in pain for when they begin to dry, the chains holding her would bring her arms down to the water  causing it to seep through and releasing a hiss of steam. Her face stained from the tears as well as the hair covering her face, all she wanted was an explanation of why they could do this to her. As thoughts consumed her, The iron door slowly opened, causing her to look up, assuming it was the person who put her in this position.

"Look, Ghostbur, I don't know what I did or why you put me in here but please. Can't we just talk it out......

"You're not ghostbur.."
"No... I am not.."

She would've continued but the man she was looking at. Well, she knew it wasn't ghostbur, but the man looked like him, beside the white streak in his hair as well as him looking more vibrant.

But to her

all she could see was the person that she needed the most and he wasn't here anymore.....

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