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(listen to saturn by sleeping at last if you wanna cry cry i guess)

the air was stiff... it had only been a few days since embers passing. Tommy had grabbed his coat as earlier he had received a letter from Niki saying it was his turn to visit Wilbur and to be honest he didn't want to go visit him seeing as the only other person that was least excited to talk to him was Techno... speaking of Techno he hadn't left his house, let alone his room, Nobody blamed him, as he was the one holding her when she was reaching for her last breath. he grabbed his coat as winter was beginning to set in.. the crunching from the dead leaves. he kept his head down the entire time. he was tired of people asking him the same repetitive questions. "how you holding up?" "you know Im here to talk, if you need someone."

it was all the same but at that same time it was different because with every question asked the deeper his heart sank and the more it set into reality....

Phil always sat by Technos door every morning and would knock three times and he would hear three knocks back. it was there routine to check on each other. the day after everything happened. Phil was expecting Techno to go into a rage or at least attempt to murder Wilbur. But he didn't. he carried ember into the house. gently placing her body on the war table and walked into his room. niki of course placed a cloth over her as they were planning her service, that was happening later this evening. phil walked over to technos door. sighing as he knocked three times, but he knew, he wasnt going to get a response. he hadnt for the past few days.

"Techno..." as the first knock happened."please...I just need to know that youre still breathing..." he knocks for the second time. "at least tell me you'll be there for her tonight.." as the third knock passes. silence followed, like it had from the past few days. it was like silence was the only thing still remaining between Phil and the door. as he turned he heard a silent but just loud enough knock following. Phil had let out a sigh knowing he hadn't lost two people. little did Phil know on the other side of the door, you might as well have thought that there wasnt a person living there, his room became abandoned, dust on every book, shelf, window seal. he hadnt eaten because nothing would fill the emptiness. he still had strength to walk to the door and knock, he wanted to let Phil know he was still here because he could never do that to Phil. It was already to painful for him. he slowly turned his back as he slid down the door. all he could do was replay every moment leading up to her, the sword. he gave up on sleeping. it was pointless, every time he closed his eyes all he could her was the echos of her scream. it was a never ending cycle. In his opinion, he would rather stay in bed all day than have to face reality. Sadly, life didn't want to play this game anymore as he knew Phil, Tommy, even Ran-boo would come and get him eventually. Walking to his closet, reaching for his crown, placing it gently on his head. Everything seemed more dull, the colors seemed more faded. he couldn't help it.


Sitting outside enjoying the early morning breeze, where he was able to enjoy the quiet, even if was for a few minutes. That was until he heard the squeak of the door. "Ember?" raising his eyebrows. her back still facing away from him as she though maybe if she just ignored him, that he wouldn't acknowledge her anymore. "Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean I can't see you." she shrugged and faced him. "well... when you put it like that, then obviously it doesn't make sense. So grandpa, are you waiting for the early bird special?" grinning as she sat herself right next to him. "You do know I'm not that old. Right?" she stayed silent, staring what he felt like was into his soul. " Oh God.... You think I'm THAT OLD DON'T YOU!" yelling in udder shock. "Shhhh!!! " "You're gonna wake the others." grinning from ear to ear. "And. No." "I don't think you're that old."  the sun was barely rising, reflecting off his crown. "you know if you're planning on running away, all i can say is that the people here are going to miss you." "who said i was planning on running away?" techno pointed to her bag of stuff that she had set down. "I don't know.. lucky guess." smirking in her direction. "would you miss me?" he quickly turned stunned as to why she would ask that. pausing to really think about his answer. "Of course, you are like the sister i never had." she smiled as he gracefully returned it. she had been hugging her knees tightly, letting a sigh escape her. "I wasn't going to leave. just so you know." "Hmm, No." "No, I figured, if where going to face Wilbur, i might as well as get as much training in as I can. Ya know"

The Girl from the NetherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora