Chapter 1.1

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" seem to be in quite the predicament"

the tall figure chuckled. She was obviously not amused.

"Well, last time I checked, I'm the one stuck in the cage. But... you could save me a whole lot of trouble by letting me leave."

"That is a true, but I obviously put you there for a reason. So it would be pointless to let you go."

Both witty and knew that no matter what either said, neither one was going to budge. She then hesitantly asked.

"Are you....Ghostbur..?"

She knew the answer already but a small part of her just wanted to believe that it could be him. That maybe she would get to see him as he was when he was living.

"Not quite. See, my names Wilbur, I don't really know you so we'll keep it on a first name basis, I am founder of l'manberg, was betrayed by a good friend, had a son, lost an election, excommu...."

God this man sure knows how to ramble, and here she thought sitting in a cage full of water was bad enough

"hey, um.. not that I'm not enjoying hearing your life story but you could've just said yes or no."

she was blunt, which surprised him seeing as she just crying a few minutes ago. Looking at her now and seeing no tears but just stains from where the tears were running but he wasn't quick on answering seeing as he didn't even know who this girl was.

" Well, technically no, and technically also yes."


the awkward silence grew as he stared at her, questions began to build.

"Are you going to explain more or just keep staring"

steam hissed out as she groaned silently.

"The glass fogged up"

"Yeah, I know it happens here and there."


"Hey!! Don't get distracted. Continue... not with your life story but what do you mean yes and no"

"Right. Well, I died."

"Wait... if you... how are you sti..."

"Hey! Don't get the distracted."

Wilbur was obviously mocking her, he proceeded to scoot closer to the glass to make sure she was listening

"Fine. Continue."

"Anyway, when I died, I.. It seemed as though I was here yet.. I wasn't. I learned that my people had tried to bring me back or revive me. But it obviously didn't work, but a version of me, *ahem* a sorry excuse version of me apparently came back, and well I assume he died because I came face to face with him and I saw tears that look like they were burning him.. kind of like you... anyway he gave me what I think was a ticket and told me it was my turn. I had obviously taken it seeing as I was miserable just floating in nothingness. When I came back I believe he transferred one memory."

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