Chapter 1.3

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"I honestly feel like you're just leading me to my death and to be honest. I've all ready done the whole being dead thing and since the last time we spo-"

"Tommy! Can you just shut it for 5 minutes please!"


Wil knew that Tommy was going to speak again it's in his nature.

"Are you-"
"Shut it!"

Wil cut Tommy off instantly. Tommy at this point was over wherever Wilbur was taking him. But it's like Wilbur could read his mind.

"Look. We've arrived."

He motioned to a mountain. Tommy was annoyed at this point.

"Are you fucking serious.. I walked who knows how far. For you to take me to a stupid mountain. And here I thought you marrying a salmon was weird but you taking me to a mountain definitely tops it."

Tommy turning ready to head back but wil caught him by the wrist.

"Ahh Tommy. You always were impatient.."

Wil slowly dusted what looked like a rock and pushed it. Slowly the center of the mountain split in two. Showing a hallway.

"What the fu-"

"Come on Tommy."

Wilbur already ahead as Tommy was just in awe.
They walked down the hall. Slowly reaching a iron door. Beside the door ther was a room filled with buttons and cameras. Tommy slowly looked at one of the cameras.



He said pulling out the cuffs. Slowly making sure there wasn't any dust on them.

"Please tell me that's not an actually human girl, that you've been keeping here..."

"Okay. I haven't been keeping a girl here."

" WIL!!"


"This is so fucked!"

"Okay. First of all. I didn't put her here and secondly she's only partly human. From what I've learned."

"What do you mean partly?"

"Look closely at her arms. And you better look quick before the glass fogs up."

Tommy slowly looked at the camera as the girl in the cage slowly tried to knock the glass. Her arms. Well mostly her hands to her forearm were a charcoal black to a nearly burnt ash. Tommy couldn't believe it. The closer person he knew that had some sort of ability was Ranboo. But he knew that he was an Enderman. But her. He had no clue.

"You can stop staring now."

Wilbur chuckled.

"Shut it."

"Alright. So before I introduce you I need to put these cuffs on her."

"Why can't you let her go?"

"Because. I can't... so I need you to drain the water."


Tommy reached for the lever

"NOT YET!!!"

Wilbur pushed Tommy out of the way.

"I have to be in the room with her. Idiot."

"I'm not an idiot!"

Tommy was frustrated and honestly totally over it.

"If you're just going to be a dickhead. Then I'll just leave."

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