Chapter 1.4

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"I don't really know where to start."

Ember let out a light chuckle as she was telling the truth. She never had to sum up her life.

"Seeing as my earliest memory I had woke up in the underworld."

"The Nether."

Tommy said staring as he couldn't imagine being alone again.


What about your parents?"

"Well I don't really know. I hate the thought of them being them dead so I just stick with the solution that they abandoned me. Yeah I know it's harsh but... rather that than the alternative."

"I suppose.... You know that technically makes you an orphan.."

"Tommy. Really."

She lightly shoved him. Both laughing.

"Hey! It's not all bad. If that's the case you won't have to worry about the Blade."

"The blade? Like a sword?"

"No. The blade is.... was someone I teamed up with a long time ago..."


She obviously knew that wasn't the whole truth. But she didn't to want to pry at him any further.

"What about you?"

"Well what about me?"

"Parents. Any?"

"Um.. no. No parents."

"See. You're an orphan too! You can't judge now!"

"I suppose em."


"Well.. Ember.. Em. For short."

"Em. Really?"

"What? I like it."

"Fine. Only if I get to call you Tom. Or Little T."

"Absolutely not."

"Why? I like it."

"No. Let's just not talk about this anymore."

"Okay... Littl-."

"Stop it!"

Ember couldn't help it. She just kept laughing.

"Alright if It's between that and Tom, then I'll just go with Tom."

"Okay. But I really like the other one."

"No, but seriously, since you said you were raised in the Nether. I have to ask. How are you still alive?"

"Well, I was basically raised on my own. I did learn to befriend the pig man which did take a lot of gold and years of running from them .but I did it."

"Friends with pigman. Totally normal..Got it."

"I don't think you have the right to judge. Seeing as you are helping a man that kept me in a cage."

"True...But... Actually fair point. Well what about your hands?"

"Yeah. My hands well had always been like this ever since I can remember. I think it's an effect from the Nether."

"So like some secret superpower?"

"I guess. I mean I can touch lava"

"Really?!Can you do it right now?!"

"Uh... Tommy."

She slowly put her hands up showing Tommy the cuffs.

"Oh right. Sorry."

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