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Authors Note:

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Thank you so much for picking my book to read. I m an amateur writer. You may find many mistakes in my writing. I would really appreciate it if you could help me in correcting my mistake by commenting or you can even text me personally.

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"Love is just one word with a four-letter" But the superiority it holds is something enormous. Love can make a person or break a person.

Here, one is slowly breaking down because of the lost love whereas one is searching and fantasizing for a love, a pure love.

Nisha Gupta is searching for her better half, she is searching for a partner, she is searching for someone who can complete her with his love and care.

Sidharth Singhania, a man who has everything, name, fame, family, everything. but his lost love is haunting him slowly and gradually. He lost his hope in love. His heart is crying for his lost love.

What if fate wanted to unite the two different souls together? what if someone who is longing for love become a healing medicine for someone who lost his love? Will he forget his past and accept and cherish his future? Will she able to heal him, and spread chillness among his deserted heart?

Come and join the journey of two different individuals getting together.

Hey guys,

This is Ahanaf Nisha, a girl who is too into books, fairy tales, coffee, rom-com, Maggie, dairy milk, etc., I always imagine stories in my mind. Since my 4th standard, I m cooking up stories in my mind and heart. And now at 18, I m planning to jot down and spread my story to the world. This is my first story on Wattpad. For 1 year, I m reading Wattpad and now the curiosity inside me is forcing me to try writing on Wattpad. So I came with a story called "My better half". I hope you guys will love and support my story. You can comment your thoughts in an open comment box. I would love to know your thoughts.

*All rights Reserved*

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