7. The trip

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Sid's POV: 

We all got ready to leave for Mumbai early morning. I and my friends took our luggage and went out of our room. "I have to admit, this wedding was indeed amazing," Rohit said. And everyone agreed with him. While we were chitchatting I saw Nisha was coming on our side with a soft smile playing on her lips. 

"Hey good morning," she said and we replied the same. "Umm...Sidharth, your mom called you downstairs" she said fidgeting her hands. I could feel that she was in some deep thoughts and want to ask something but she is hesitant to ask. I agreed and left with her. 

My mom, my dad, Nisha's mom, and dad are standing there waiting for me. "Mom, you called me?" I asked her. "yeah sid," my mom said and looked at Nisha. That made me a bit confused. Suddenly Nisha's dad called me, "Sid beta, actually we needed one help from you if you don't mind". 

"Yeah uncle, I won't mind," I said. "There is one school friend of Nisha who is getting married today. She forgot the event because of Nishanth's wedding. And now today that girl is calling Nisha and she can't deny it. So the wedding is in Ajmer. And we are scared to let her go alone. And we couldn't find anyone trustworthy. And that is when harsh said you can go along with her. Can you please take her" Akash uncle said? I don't know what to say. That's when Nisha's phone started ringing. I think that is her school friend. But she didn't attend the call instead she looked at her father and me. Immediately I agreed. "Okay uncle, I will take her if she is okay with me going with her," I said to know whether she is Ok coming with me. She agreed and called her friend again to say that she will come to her wedding with a big smile. 

I excused myself and went to inform my friends about the trip with Nisha. "Guys I m going with Nisha to her friend's wedding in Ajmer. You guys go to Mumbai. We will board the flight after the wedding" I said to my friends and they all agreed and asked me to drive safely with a naughty smile. But I sensed something wrong with their smile. "What? What's in that smile?"
"Umm Nothing man, you go," Vihaan said suppressing his smile. I decided to let it go. After taking my mobile, wallet and luggage I went to the car. There I saw Nisha waiting for me with her family and my parents.

"Be careful beta! Drive slowly and thank you so much for the help" uncle said. "Yes beta, thank you so much. Take care both of you" aunty said and we nodded. "Aunty, uncle. Why are you saying thanks? That's not an issue. I will take care" I said and Nisha looked at me with a soft smile. My dad patted my shoulder and asked me to take care of Nisha and my mom, Nishanth everyone asked us to take care and we nodded and I loaded the bags on the car.

After that, I opened the car door for Nisha and she sat on the passenger seat thanking me. I then took my driver's seat and we bid bye to everyone and asked them to take care of themselves.

While going Nisha fidgeted her hand and called me softly, "Umm...Sidharth..." I looked at her and asked what. "I m sorry for causing you trouble. I don't know what's your plan but I m feeling guilty that I disturbed you. I m sorry and Thank you so much for helping me" she said.

"Nisha, it's okay. You didn't disturb me at all. I love travelling. So you don't have to feel guilty about this. And no need to thank me. It's alright" I said with a soft smile and she reciprocated the same before going silent.

Nisha's Pov

(Yesterday night)

After all the party I was hell tired and went to sleep. When I looked at my mobile, it was almost 1:30 am. I went to my room, changed into my nightwear, and banged myself hard on my bed hugging my pillow. I heard my mobile ringing sound. I kept an alarm but my alarm ringtone is different. I heard my mobile ringing sound. I don't know who call me at midnight. But I didn't pick up because I was busy in my sleeping. Sleep is more important than anything. But the person is not ready to leave me. Continuously they are calling and due to that sound, my friends are getting disturbed. I couldn't even open my eyes. But still, I could hear the non-stop continuous ring of my phone. My friends are shouting. After getting all the shouting sound and mobile ringing sounds, I finally opened my eyes cursing the caller. 

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