9. Truths

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Sidharth's POV: 

Ugghh... What the hell is wrong with me. Why do I behave like this? Am I stupid? She is such a naive girl. But I insulted her, this is not good. I should apologize to her. But this girl is not at all giving me a chance to speak. Whenever I try to initiate a conversation with her, she is just avoiding me. I was trying to talk to her at the wedding venue, but she avoided me saying her friends were calling. I decided to talk to her in the car, but again, saying she is tired, she slept In the car. 

Finally, we reached Mumbai and our parents were waiting for us. Her father thanked me and said," I hope Nisha didn't give you any problems" for which Nisha sighed looking at her dad. 

"Oh, no uncle, she didn't give me any problems," I said giving him a slight smile. Nisha thanked me and my dad but she didn't even look at my face and left soon saying she is too tired. We also went home soon. I was hell tired, so I went to my room to take a hot bath to wash off my tiredness. I don't know why Nisha's face is coming to my mind more often. 

When I completed my bathing, my sister Seema asked me to come down for dinner. Then soon we all are gathered at the dining table. My mom asked, "so how was the trip Sid, did you enjoy it? How about Nisha? How did you find her?" my mom was flooding her questions on me. 

"Mom-mom... wait, the trip was good," I said and started having dinner. I was concentrated on my plate but everyone's eyes were on me. I looked at them and asked what is the matter. Everyone shouted, "What about Nishaaa?" I was shocked. I don't why they are asking so much about Nisha. It's strange. 

"What about her?" I asked cluelessly
Suddenly Seema came near me and said, " what about Nisha means, how do you find her, we mean do you like her, any spark?" she asked wiggling her eyebrows. 

"Shut up," I said to her and everyone became silent. Soon I completed my dinner and went to my bedroom and fell on my bed. 

What my sister asked started coming to mind. Although I just brushed her question then, I m confused now. I dont know what is wrong with me. I never felt this much confusion before. 

While I was in my thoughts, I suddenly received a message from an unknown number. When I read the message, it says 

"Hey, Sid,
I want to meet you. Don't ask who are you? 
Just come to the location which I shared.
Don't ignore this message.
 It is very crucial for you and your life.
To give you a hint, its about "SHREYA">>>

After reading the message I was shocked. At first, I was about to ignore this message but then when I saw Shreya's name on it, I decided to go there. 

Soon I was in the location which that person shared. It's a coffee shop. It's not too crowded. I was waiting for 5 minutes and suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned back, I was shocked would be an understatement. 

She is Riya, Shreya's best friend...

" Riya????" I asked shocked. The shock was totally evident in my voice. She tapped on my shoulders and asked me to sit while taking her seat in front of me. She called the waiter and asked him to bring one Espresso for her.

I didn't open my mouth. She was just sitting simply for five minutes. No one spoke anything. Then she initiated the conversation.
"Sid....." I replied nothing. I just looked at another side. She asked me to look at her.

"Please look at me Sidharth. I want to talk to you. This is one important thing" she said.
I asked her to continue.
"So the thing is about Shreya. I know how much you loved Shreya and still, I could feel the love you have for her. You also know how  I and Shreya were inseparable in the past. But things took a U-turn between us. We are not what we were anymore. I came to know the true color of Shreya. She was nothing but a hungry wolf under the goat's skin. When she shed her skin I saw her real self. She is just hungry, Sidharth. She is a hungry wolf for money. Do you think she loved you for who you are? No. She just loved you for what you have and for your looks. She just wanted money. Her plan was different and luckily you guys broke up. She wanted to get married to you and soon after she come into your house, she just wanted to separate you from that house and get your share of money and properties. And then after taking all that from you she wanted to go fly abroad. But when she came to know that no one can separate you from your family, she decided to break up with you and to her luck, she found an American who also is filthy rich. She is now married and settled in America. I came to know that you are still spoiling your life for that money-sucking bitch, I just wanted to let you know her true colors. I m also a victim of her money-hungry brain. She was not true to me. She just wanted my money. Since we were friends she used to show her sad acting on me and I give her money. I can even accept that but the one thing which I can't forget and forgive is she decided to manipulate and seduce my fiance. She put so many manipulative words in his brain. She even said that you are a womanizer. She wore skimpy dresses in front of him and tried to seduce him for his money. But luckily he is not that type of guy. He told me everything and we finally got rid of her. One thing I want to tell now is please don't spoil your life for her. She is gonna rot in hell for her dirty business. But you are such a good-hearted person. You have so many good things to come. Please don't spoil yourself Sid" she completed making me drown in confusion and shock.

Meanwhile, her fiance also came and explained about her. I m totally confused. I don't know what to believe and what not to. They even showed me her pictures where she was seen seducing many men and hanging out with them. Suddenly my head started hurting. After they told me about her I got up to leave. My heart was now filled with I don't know how many emotions. Again Riya said to me one thing, "please don't spoil your life for her. It's not you should worry for her. It's her who should worry about her cheap business."


Hey people,

Hope you liked this chapter... Enjoy reading

Ahanaf Nisha🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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