5. Talented Max

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Sidharth POV

We reached Jaipur by 4 am today. Me, my family and my friends, my father's family, my mother's family, Pooja's family, everyone are here. The big fat Indian wedding rites are going to commence from today and I don't know how to keep my sane on track. I think my friends will help to keep me sane. 

As time is just 4 am and I was dead weary I whacked myself on the snug hotel bed. The marriage ceremony and rituals are going to be held in Gupta's hotel. Grooms family is staying on one side of the hotel and the brides family took another side. I and my friends took one room for ourselves. They already slammed themselves on the bed. The venue is solely shrouded with elegant fairy lights, flowers. The ambience is so imperial and screams embellishment everywhere. I don't know when sleep engulfed me into its arms securely and safely. 

I heard someone tapping on the door. "someone open the door and let me sleeeeeep" Aryaan said in his sleepy voice. It seems Adith and Vihaan lost their hearing sense. That's how those scoundrels are sleeping soundly. They are unbelievable and again I heard a tapping sound on the door. Shaking my head I went to open the door. When I opened the door I saw that youtube girl Nisha. I don't know why her face is red after seeing me. I could sense she is so hesitant about something. That's when I noticed I didn't wear any shirt to cover my upper body. Now I m feeling heat rose to my face. That's awkward. I excused myself and surged towards the washroom. "Have you lost your sense Sidhhh?" I reproached myself in the mirror. Then I washed my face and wore a t-shirt to cover my half-naked body and went again as I heard another tapping sound. 

"I...I...I m sorry for disturbing your sleep" she sputtered and said. I don't know why, I felt she is cute. Uggg...Sidhhhh...brushing my thoughts I asked her "do you need anything?". 

"Umm... It's 1 pm... You and your friends didn't come for having your breakfast. Aunty called you for having your lunch" she said. "Oh, my friends are sleeping and I have to take bath. Tell my mom that we will come within an hour" I said. She bobbed her head and twirled her heels to go but abruptly halted and turned back again. "Umm...the food is going to finish. It's almost finished. Guests are huge, come soon if you want food" she said and went. I m hungry but what about my friends? Anyways I m going to eat after taking a bath. I shortly went to the washroom and took a warm long shower to boot my weariness. When I came out all my friends woke up and crouching like chimpanzees. I said them about the food and they went to take shower. After we all got ready we came out. When we enter the dining hall, we couldn't see anything or anyone. I was searching for my mom but it seems I can't find her in this crowd. I took my mobile to give her a call but she is not picking up. My stomach is snarling. "Sid yaar... I m hungry" Adith said. "Same here man," Aryaan and Vihaan said grumpily. I looked here and there to find someone but no, I couldn't find anyone. I surveyed the internet for finding any other hotels or restaurants in this area. But I don't know why I couldn't find any hotels. So we thought to go to our room that's when I heard "Oh you came...I already said to come soon, right? See now foods are over" Nisha said. 

"Nisha...."Vihan exclaimed 

"Nishaaaa" Adith too. 

"Nishaaaa" Aryaan too. And I felt like what the hell is happening here. And Nisha's face is also flabbergasted. "Umm...I m sorry...? she said with a puzzled face. "Oh, I couldn't believe I saw you here. I mean how you are here. I m your big fan."Aryaan said. And all the three were buzzing Nisha like bees buzzing around a flower. "I m Nishanth Bhayya's sister. And Pooja bhabi's would be sister-in-law. Nice to meet you" she said with a smile and everyone smiled at her. And here my breadbasket is petitioning for some food. "Nisha, we are very hungry. We couldn't find anyone here and it seems no restaurants are here in this area" Vihaan said. 

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