02 | chen's island

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As the ferry draws closer, the fog hanging over the water clears, giving the guests their first true look at the island. An enormous building looms ahead of them, outlined against the soft colors of the sunrise—Chen's Palace, no doubt. The Elemental Masters all rush to get a better view as they approach the docks, ooohs and ahhhs rising from the deck as they lay eyes on the sight before them.

"Wow," Cole breathes. "Would you look at that..."

"It's beautiful." Kira whispers. Beside her, Lloyd hums, clearly just as impressed.

Clouse's voice rings across the deck, making everyone fall silent. "Welcome to Chen's Island. The Tournament of Elements welcomes its brave fighters." His voice lowers as he addresses one person in particular. "Master Chen will be pleased you've returned, Sensei Garmadon."

"The pleasure is all mine, Clouse," Garmadon replies, sounding anything but pleased. The sorcerer shoots him a look before turning and stalking away, leading the Elemental Masters after him.

"...Definitely feeling some tension between you two," Jay comments as the group files off the ferry. .

"Yeah, and how is it we're on an island I've never seen on any map?" asks Kai.

"And, care to explain how the face of Ninjago's most popular noodle house is secretly assembling an underground fighting tournament?" Cole adds.

"Master Chen used to be a friend," Garmadon explains. "Now, he's a traitor. During the Serpentine Wars, he turned against his own kind and sided with the treacherous snakes."

Kira tenses at the mention of the Serpentine War. "The battle you and my grandmother fought together in? He was an enemy?"

"Indeed. He used deception to divide the Elemental Masters. We barely defeated the Serpentine, and in a deal for his surrender, Chen was to never leave this island. Little did we know, he'd begin to build his criminal empire from here."

"He may have divided our ancestors, but he's not gonna divide us. We'll make sure of it," Lloyd says firmly. The others nod in agreement.

"Well, in any case, this is a big island," Cole remarks as they walk along with the group. "Zane could be anywhere. Keep an eye out."

"So this is the house that noodles built," Jay laughs. "Ha! Always wanted to go to a red carpet event." He starts to strut like he's walking down a runway, much to everyone else's amusement or annoyance.

"Chen lives like a king," Garmadon states, sighing at the blue ninja's antics. "Here, he's totally self-sufficient. The only way on or off this island is with his permission, which you have to earn."

"You never told me about this place." The Green Ninja stares at his father, his expression laden with confusion. "How do you know so much about this island?"

The old man hesitates. There's a guilty look in his eye that's hard to miss. "Because before Chen was my enemy," he says quietly, "he was my Sensei."

He pulls down the collar of his gi, revealing a purple snake tattoo curling across his skin—that of an Anacondrai. The Ninja all exchange looks before staring back at their Sensei. Garmadon flinches, painfully aware of the shock and bewilderment painted on their faces. "I'll explain when we get inside."

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