Chapter 14 (Episode 25)

446 12 3

Word Count: 1264
Y/N was getting ready for the day when their computer presented them with a call from Aria. Y/N accepted the call to see Aria in a different location than the one she is usually at.

"Good morning, Y/N," Aria said.

"Good morning, Aria," Y/N replied. "You're not at HQ, how come?"

"I'm just visiting my home planet, but I was looking at the flight patterns for the Orion to see that you guys weren't on Earth anymore," Aria said.

"Oh," Y/N began. "We're on our to Planet Toki. Ohtori Tsurugi said that we can get the Toki Kyutama there."

"Toki Kyutama? Why would you want that?" Aria questioned.

"Ohtori Tsurugi claims that Don Armage shouldn't be alive after a battle 300 years ago, so we're going to see how the battle truly played out," Y/N explained.

"I see," Aria softly said. "I'll leave you guys to it then. Be careful."

With that Aria ended the call and looked towards her tablet.

"Don Armage should be dead?" Aria questioned. "What kind of nonsense is that? But, how much can I take her word for it? A person who wasn't chosen by the Kyutama. How pathetic."


"You make it sound easy," Hammie began. "But can it really take us into the past?"

"The Toki Kyutama governs time throughout the universe," Tsurugi explained. "With it, we can travel through time."

"If we can go into the past," Kotaro asked, walking to Stinger. "That means we can see people who have died again, right?"

"Do you have someone you want to see?" Stinger softly asked.

"Just wondering if I could see my mom again," Kotaro softly replied.

"You lost your mother?" Stinger questioned.

Kotaro nodded, "Right after my brother was born. She was sick."

Kotaro paused for a second, "Never mind. We don't have time to worry about it right now. And I'm sure all of you have been through something like it."

Balance placed his hand on Kotaro's shoulder before nodding. Kotaro looked out the window and pointed to the near coming planet. "There it is. That's Planet Tokei."

"Alright, let's go," Tsurugi said as everyone left the bridge heading to their voyagers.

When the Kyurangers arrived on Planet Tokei they witnessed Spada and Raptor getting attacked by Tecchu.

"Spada! Raptor!" Lucky shouted out.

"Guys!" Spada responded.

"Now that all of you are here," Tecchu said. "Prepare to die! I will crush each of you, one by one!"

Tecchu disappeared before the Kyurangers undid their transformations.

"Who would've thought he'd get here before us?" Lucky asked his teammates.

"Holy moly. We need to find that Toki Kyutama, fast," Tsurugi said.

"That's the thing about the Toki Kyutama," Spada began.

"The planet, as the name might suggest, is organized like a clock," Raptor explained. "And on areas that would match the numbers of a clock there are 12 keys."

"Those keys need to be all turned within 30 minutes of each other. Any longer than that, and you have to restart the process," Spada finished. "The two of us couldn't manage it by ourselves."

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