
1.7K 35 2

Word Count: 922
Y/N: Your Name
F/f: Favorite Food
C/r: Closest Relative
F/N: Friends Name

Y/N looked at the silver and white box in front of them.

"How am I supposed to use these?" Y/N asked no one.

Y/N reached to the box, opening it slowly, revealing that there was a light blue and white Kyutama with a swan on it and a Seiza Blaster.

"I don't know what to do, but, I'll make sure Jark Matter pays for what they did," Y/N said, looking at a picture that was next to the box. The picture was of Y/N with their mom and their younger sister.

After a few minutes, Y/N took the Seiza Blaster and put it on their left arm. Y/N grabbed the Kyutama and grabbed the picture, putting both into the pocket of their black and white jacket.

Y/N started walking, aimlessly, in search of a Jark Matter base. After a few minutes, Y/N headed back to their village and went to a nearby restaurant.

"Looks like that white savior already found a replacement," Y/N overheard a voice say.

"Hey, darling," Y/N heard another voice say. "Give the Blaster up and give it to someone who can fight."

Y/N looked at the person who's voice belonged to. Y/N gave the person a glare before slowly walking to them.

"And what do you know about me?" Y/N asked flatly.

"I know that you'll never be good enough to call yourself a savior," the person said laughing.

Y/N rolled their eyes and walked away from the person, diciding not to waste their energy on this random person. Y/N sat at a table as waitress came over to her with a cup of water.

"Can I get you anything?" the waitress asked.

"I'll take (f/f)" Y/N said not looking at the waitress.

Y/N heard the waitress walk away and took the Kyutama out of their pocket. Y/N examined the orb before hearing someone sit down in front of them. Y/N looked up to see a purple dragon like creature, pointing to the Kyutama.

"That holds incredible power," the dragon creature said.

"You say that as if I don't know what this is," Y/N said, looking at the dragon.

"Okay. I know you know what that is," the dragon said. The waitress came back with Y/N's food and give it to them.

"(F/f)? A bit of a classic," the dragon commented.

"What do you want?" Y/N asked sternly before they began eating.

"You have a Kyutama, and you have a Seiza Blaster. You have all the tools needed to help save the universe from Jark Matter. How about you use them? While I haven't heard of the specific Kyutama you have, I'm sure that you are against Jark Matter and so am I. There is a legend of 9 legendary saviors, and I think that you are one of those 9. We already have one of these savior working as a spy. I work for the Rebellion and we need your help," the dragon said while Y/N was eating.

Y/N finished eating and looked at the dragon. Y/N pushed their plate away and looked at the dragon.

"I refuse," Y/N said simply. "I lost two people important to me today. I'm an emotional mess. I'm not good to make any promises right now. Sorry."

Y/N reached into their pocket and grabbed the money needed to pay for their meal. Y/N got up and left the restaurant but heard footsteps behind them.

"If you change you mind, my name is Shou Ronopo, the closest Rebellion base is in the Washi System on Planet Rebellion," the dragon said.

Instead of answering, Y/N walked away and went back to their house to find their (c/r) in the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" (C/R) asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine," Y/N before walking to their room.

Y/N laid in their bed and looked at their Seiza Blaster.

"Shou Ronopo? Rebellion? Like I'd ever join them," Y/N muttered, taking off the Seiza Blaster and jacket. Y/N turned off the lights and went to closed their eyes, allowing sleep to take over them.

1 year later

Y/N was putting bowls of soup on a tray and took the tray to a group of children that were playing around.

"Minna, come get eat," Y/N said, taking the bowls of soup off of the tray. The children ran up to Y/N and Y/N started giving them the soup.

"Is it already lunch time?" a voice asked. Y/N looked over to see their friend, (F/N), walking over to the children.

"Yes, eating is very important," one of the children responded.

Y/N took the tray back to the kitchen with F/N following them.

"Are you okay?" F/N asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Y/N questioned.

"Did you ever see the dragon again?" F/N asked.

"No. Never did and hopefully never will," Y/N responded.

"Why didn't you go with the dragon?"

"Because I couldn't. Plus I'm fine being the sole savior of this system. The Kyurangers can save the other systems but I'll save this one."

"That's a little selfish and maybe these people can help you."

"I'm fine."

Y/N walked out of the kitchen to see a news report on the TV.

"The Kyurangers just defeated a Jark Matter assassin names Ikagen. More details to come," the report said.

'Ikagen? Defeated? Maybe these Kyurangers are better than I thought,' Y/N thought.

A/N: Hello! Here is the prologue to my first Reader Insert story! I did get some ideas from the amazing Charm_Snape

I have nothing left to say so

Bai Bai

Update Log:

10.25.2020: Added Word Count

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