Chapter 27 (Episode 34)

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Word Count: 2960
"Now that I look around, isn't this the laboratory where we got our upgrades?" Kukuruga asked.

Akyanba laughed, "Looks like it's time to wake up our new toy!" She pulled a lever as Champ's lights turned on.


"Now we just need a specific location for Jark Matter's home planet!" Lucky stated.

"Balance. Will you enter my head and look for the information?" Naga asked.

"Okie dokes!" Balance responded.

"We can do that?" Shou asked.

"With the Genbikyo Kyutama I modified, we sure can!" Balance answered.

Balance used the Aries Kyutama to put Naga to sleep before using the Genbikyo Kyutama to go into Naga's body.

"Off I go! I'm going to Naga's brain!" Balance shouted.

"We may as well take it easy until he's back with the intel," Tsurugi said, taking a seat. "Spada, let's eat."

"You just ate," Spada said.

Stinger looked off to the side thinking about everything with Champ when the Orion began shaking violently.

"What's with this shaking?" Hammie asked.

"It's Kukuruga! He's attacking from the surface!" Raptor reported.

"Let's go, guys!" Lucky said.

The Kyurangers, expect Raptor and Shou, headed to Earth to see Kukuruga waiting for them.

"Kukuruga!" Lucky shouted

"Well, about time," Kukuruga said. "I brought a cool new toy."

"A Kyutama?" the Kyurangers questioned as a black sphere landed towards them and opened.

"It's big man Champ!" Garu said.

Kukuruga laughed as Champ shot a laser out of his shoulder causing the Kyurangers to split.

"What's gotten into you, Champ?" Y/N asked.

"Hammie! Spada!" Kotaro shouted, seeing the injuries of the two.

"Hammie," Spada sighed.

"Are you okay?" Kotaro asked.

Champ started walking towards the three when Lucky, Stinger, Garu, Tsurugi, and Y/N ran towards Champ.

"Stop it, Champ!" Lucky shouted.

"Don't you realize what you're doing?!" Stinger shouted as Champ pushed everyone away.

Champ was about to fire another shot when he was shot by someone else. The Kyurangers turned to where the shots came from to see someone the looks like Oushi Black.

"That's my shall fight him!" the  person said.

"Who in the world are you?!" Kukuruga asked while the Kyurangers went to check on Spada and Hammie.

"You alright?" Garu asked. 

"Two Champs?" Kotaro questioned.

"What's going on here?" Y/N asked.

"Boy, let me correct you," the man said. "I'm, no...Yagyu Jubeef stands before you! And not Champ!"

"He's some other guy?!" Garu questioned. "That's a heck of a resemblance to the big man!"

"No, no that's Champ. It's totally Champ," the Kyurangers said.

"Incorrect!" Yagyu said.


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