Chapter 42 (Episode 45)

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Word Count: 2975
"Once we arrive, we take action immediately. Earth is where we bring this fight to an end!" Shou declared.

"But...Don Armage is Tsurugi's..." Spada began.

"Tsurugi?" Stinger questioned. 

"You doing okay?" Champ asked.

"Sorry for worrying you all," Tsurugi answered. "Forget about what I said before."

"It's only natural to want save him, if he's your friend!" Lucky said. 

"That's right!" Garu agreed. "If he's a friend of yours, he's a friend of ours!"

"I told Lucky to make up his mind, well, now it's my turn, and I'll do it my own way," Tsurugi stated. "Even if it costs me my own life...I will stop him myself."

"Tsurugi!" Lucky said.

"There's no time," Tsurugi said, refencing the chest pain he had during the last fight.

"No way," Lucky gasped. "Tsurugi..."

"Everyone, we're exiting the warp hole," Raptor interrupted. 

As soon as they exited the wormhole, an army of Jark Matter ships started attacking the Kyurangers. 

"Well, that didn't take long!" Shou joked. "Spada, Hammie, Garu, take your Voyagers and engage the enemy! The rest of you are headed for Earth!" 

"Okyu!" the Kyurangers responded.


Lucky, Stinger, Balance, Champ, Naga, Kotaro, Tsurugi, and Y/N landed on Earth and got to see the big Consumarz with their own eyes.

"So they're making the Dark Planetium with that thing and want to turn Earth into a Planetium Bomb," Lucky said. 

"Onii-chan!" a child wearing an orange vest ran up the stairs to the Kyurangers. "Onii-chan!"

"Jiro!" Kotaro ran up and hugged his little brother. "Are you doing okay?"

"He's tinier than I thought he was," Y/N whispered to Stinger.

"He's bigger than I remember he was," Stinger whispered back. The two looked at each for a minute before turning back to Kotaro and Jiro. 

"Yeah!" Jiro responded.

"That's right, you have a younger brother," Tsurugi smiled. 

"Yeah! His name's Jiro," Kotaro showed off Jiro. 

"Looks like your dream's gonna come true soon," Jiro smiled. 

"Yeah. I'm gonna make it happen," Kotaro responded. "I promise."

"Yeah," Jiro nodded.

Suddenly, Dr. Anton and the Bovine Unit 00 popped out of group with Anton saying, "Such a pitiful child, to dream the impossible dream!"

"Professor Anton!" Champ recognized. 

"I'm impressed your feeble minds were able to grasp that we'd attack Earth!" Anton laughed.

"We know what you're planning!" Lucky said. 

"Once Earth's Planetium has all been converted to Dark Planetium, destroying the universe will be a simple matter!" Anton explained.

"You don't have a shred of justice, do you?!" Champ questioned. 

"What is the point of destroying the universe?" Naga asked.

A aura was formed in the sky, revealing itself as Don Armage saying, "I will possess the universe. That will make me the universe itself!"

"Kuervo," Tsurugi said. "Is that what Don Armage is telling you to do?!"

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