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Don't do this. Not here.

I plead to my own brain as I sit against the door, rubbing my eyes.

What did I say about you talking to boys.

Please no.. do it later, not right now when he's just in the living room.

You are a murderer.

Fucking shit.

You are a murderer.

You are pathetic.

No one is going to want to marry someone like you if you keep whoring around like this.

I'm pathetic.

You are selfish. You always were and always will be.

I'm selfish.

My tears starting to stream down my face heavily as I frantically try to grab onto something around me.

I hear a knock on the door, but I'm too lost to even pay attention to it.


My name gets called.


Dianthe, are you ok?

I almost laugh at that.

Am I ok?

That's like asking sunflowers if they are happy when the sun isn't out. They say they are, when in reality they are suffering so much. It's impossible to find their own way without it.

The ringing starts going in my ears and I try to open my eyes as wide as I can, but nothing.

It's all pitch black.

This is what they felt in the plane.

It's your fault.

Are you ok?

You're a murderer.

I place my hand on the counter and I drag it over.

Then it's just gone.

The ringing doesn't stop.



"Dianthe! Are you ok? Please answer me, you're scaring me."

I snap out of the phase. The ringing gone. My eyesight back. Somehow I'm sitting on the ground, leaned against the door and the soap dispenser shattered on the ground.

I sigh deeply.

"Harry please leave me alone." I say, a bit out of breath, but I try to hide it.

"Dianthe I'm not leaving until you open the door. Ok. I am really sorry for what I did there, I know I was in the wrong, but please, I'm really worried about you right now." He says and I squeeze my eyes together, but open them right back up, seeing my mom standing there, with a look of disapproval on her face.

"Just, just give me a minute." I say, my voice cracking at the end.

"Sunflower...just please come out." I hear him say.

I don't respond, as I try to get up, looking at myself in the mirror.

I look at my tear streaked cheeks and my red face from my hands grasping onto it.


I turn on the tap and splash a bunch of water onto my face.

Once I think I look decent enough, I quickly dry my face and walk out of the bathroom, looking down.

Sunflower (HS) *PAUSED*Where stories live. Discover now