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Dream Pov:
The night on the couch wasn't too bad. The couch was comfortable enough for me to sleep on.

I took my beige cardigan and put it over my shirt.
I do have to say, I look really good.
Confidence is the key OwO

It's 8am and I assume George hasn't woken up yet. Yesterday before going to sleep, I checked on George and he looked so peaceful sleeping.

Suddenly I hear a loud bang coming from the bedroom..oh no.

I quickly run to my bedroom and try to check up on him.

He fell off the bed.

I start laughing so hard, it wakes George up.
"What?" He asks in a sleepy voice.
"Y-you fell!" I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe anymore.

"I did? Oww now it hurts."
"Here, take my hand." I offer a hand for George who has been laying on the floor in a weird position.

"Stop laughing you idiot"
"How do you know the word Idiot but don't even know what a bed is."
He giggles before taking my hand and standing up.

"You can continue sleeping if you want to, it's 8am. I'll get a coffee, I can make you one as well."
"Well I'm not tired anymore so sure!"

I go in the kitchen and make our coffee's and before I know it, I hear a knock on the door.

"Who could that be so early in the morning." I ask myself and open the door.

There was no one. Until I looked down, it was the newspaper. I guess that kid who gives out the newspaper threw it but it hit my door as well.

I picked it up and started reading it, nothing special or interesting.

Right when I was about to bring the coffee to George, I hear another knock again.
"Who keeps knocking?" I hear George ask from the other end of the hall.
"I don't know, but I'll check"

I can hear people talking outside..who could it be?

I open the door and to my surprise, it's my two friends I haven't talked not seen in a long time.
Sapnap and Wilbur.

"I didn't expect you guys to be here haha, uhm, so what are you guys doing here?" I was standing at the door with my coffee and the newspaper in my hands.

"Please get off my property" I muttered under my breath. I really didn't want to see them right now. They were the reason why I have been like this lately and I don't like it.

"We were sorry for not being able to visit you, we were busy with the others, you know." Wilbur said and Sapnap nodded.

"Yeah and we wanted to give you-" Sapnap looked behind me and I turn around as well.
"Oh Hi!" Georges head peeks from the wall and I wave at him.

"Ew who's THAT?" Sap says and I look at him in shock. I knew Sapnap could be mean sometimes, as a joke, but this didn't sound like one at all.

Wilbur starts to laugh and I look at them angrily.
"You guys are real jerks" I say before slamming the door infront of their faces.

George looked sad so I walked up to him.
"I'm so sorry I didn't think they'd-"
"I-it's fine." He gave me his smaller smile again and you could see tears coming which made me feel horrible.

He sat down on the couch and I gave him his coffee.

I looked at the small lemon tree outside and it gave me an idea.

"Hey..Let's do something different today."
He looks up to me and tilts his head.

"But let's eats breakfast first. It's still very early." I give out a hand and he gladly takes it.

"This was amazing! I loved the eggs!" I made us scrambled eggs with bacon and it tasted delicious.

"Well since it's still only 9am we could go on a walk. You haven't seen much around my neighborhood, have you?"
"No, I haven't. Are your neighbors nice?" George asks.
"Well yea, but I haven't talked to them in a long time."

I give him a new fresh white shirt and black pants. I kept my clothes on.
"Let's Go!" George happily said and I laughed.

"This neighborhood looks nice. When did you move here, Dream?" 
How did you know about my nickname?
"Uhh I think about one year ago, I moved out of my parents house and found this! I know there aren't many people in this neighborhood but it's still fine."

"Everything looks much different than the houses and neighborhoods I saw when we drove to the store! I love it here." George kept jumping up and down in excitement and I giggled at his actions.

"I also like it here." I said before George grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.
"What are you doing?" I ask him while he runs up to a small black and white kitten laying on the ground.

"Look! It's a cat! But why is it here? It looks so dirty and it doesn't have an owner! Look there's no-"
"We should bring it inside." I cut him off and he looks at me in the eyes with pure excitement.

"But what if it is someone's cat?" He asks again with a sadder tone.
"Let's ask around!"
"But till then, let's call it...Niki! And the nickname Niki Minaj."
"Great name" I giggle at that nickname and he picks up the cat.

We asked everyone around the neighborhood and no one seemed to know anything about that cat. One person did say that they have seen the cat in our neighborhood for a while now but it was just looking for food and it seemed to not have any home.

"Do you know how to wash a cat?" George asks me.
"Yes, I had a cat before, her name was Momo."  I explained how she looked like and how I loved her with my whole heart, until she sadly died.. I still miss her.

"The cat is now cleaner than before!" I showed George how to gently wash the cat without her being scared or anything.
We also gave the cat some food and it seemed to get more comfortable around us.

"I thinks it's time to go in the garden! You see, I got this long schlong." That's how I always call my hose because it's very long [insert smiley face].

"S-schlong?" He asks me confused and I laugh.
"It's my hose. I gave it its name because it's very long. Very long." I try to hold in my laugh.

"Anyways, just follow me, I'll show you." George follows me outside and I take my hose and splash the water on him.

He screeches and I wheeze, not being able to hold back my laugh.
He's not completely wet and I point at his wet clothes and he gives me the dead stare.
I have never seen that of him before.

He keeps punching my back and I just splash him even more.

Soon enough he finally got another hose I have and started splashing me with water as well.
Now I was completely wet and my favorite cardigan got wet.

"You'll pay for ruining my cardigan!" I yell and he runs away.
We play around in the garden with our hoses and so much got wet, even the brick wall around my backyard.

I haven't had so much fun in a long time, I really missed it.
"Thanks for playing with me, George. I was all alone here for many weeks and this is really helping." I say and he hugs me again. Since both of us were wet it felt even worse.

"Maybe we should take a shower.." I say and he nods.


Have a great Day/Night

~1329 words

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