happy ending

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TW: suicide mention

George's Pov:
I ran as fast I could to catch up to Dream.
When I arrived at the top of the hill I saw Dream standing at the edge, looking towards the moon.

"DREAM? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I shouted as loud as I could but he didn't even turn around.
I hope this won't end the bad way...Punz was very Lucky to survive the fall last time he tried to jump off a hill like Dream is trying to do.

I sprint my way there and almost manages to catch Dreams hand he was too quick and let himself fall right after he turned around.

I can't let this be the end.

I grabbed Dream's hand from the hill while he was hanging there and with all my strength, trying to pull Dream up, I did it.

I saved someone's life ...

"Dream?? Are you okay? Please don't do this again.." I was holding him in my arms and stated to tear up. He looked at me with a weird expression but soon realized what just happened.

"I-I'm so sorry George I didn't know what was going through my head..I just wanted to be with my grandfather again." I hug him tightly and he hugs me back.

"It's okay Clay...you can always be with him and visit him at the cemetery.." I'm not sure if what I said would make him feel better but I told him the truth, didn't I?

It's a long silence and I think abojt telling Dream who I really am but right now, his mental health is really bad and I don't think he'll feel any better if he finds out that I'm his imaginary friend.

"Let's go home dream.. you need some rest." I pick him up and he struggles to stand straight. His eyes are very very red and puffy.

"I'm sorry." he mumbled.
"It's okay Dream, everything will be fine."

Well at least I hope so.

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