{7} The end

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TW: major character death, suicide

3rd Person Pov:
"Dream? Wake up. We have to drive to the funeral in 2 hours." George tries his best to wake Dream up but he wouldn't wake up.

"5 more minutes..." Dream finally says and George rolls his eyes, shaking him even more.

"Ugh fine." He gets up and stretches before realizing what day it is today.

"Oh...today's the funeral." George heard the sad tone in Dreams voice and went over to hug him.

"Are you sure you wanna go? What if..you.." George tries to convince Dream to not go since he doesn't know what could happen.
"George, I need to go. I wasn't able to tell him goodbye...I want to go and I will go."
George sighed and continued eating his breakfast.

"The bacon is good." Dream stares at George with a confused face.
"How did you even make it? I mean, you literally asked me how to make cereal and almost failed the first time."
"I-uh..I don't know." He cant tell him who he is, not yet.

"Isn't that your phone?" They hear a phone ringing and Dream stands up to check it out.
"It's Karl. We haven't talked in a while." He still decides to pick up.

"Hello? Karl! How have you been?"
"I have been great, but I heard your grandfather passed away? I am so sorry for your loss, Clay. He's in a better place now. I hope you're doing good man." Dream wants to cry again, that reminder really wasn't the best.

"Yeah..the funeral is today and honestly, I have no idea if I'm going to be able to get through everything. It's going to be awful, I just know it. But I have to say goodbye to him."
"You know what? Let's meet up next week, I wanna cheer you up and since we haven't talked in a while, we can reunite again! Gosh Clay it has been so long." Dream really missed Karl.

They were good friends in high school but had to go different ways after they graduated.
Karl went to college and Dream just moved out, not having enough money to go to college.

(I have no idea how this college system thing works in the US)

Dream Pov:
I'm ready to go. I thought about it all night and I think I'm ready. I do want to meet up with Karl tho..but it's my time to go.

"Hello? Dream?"
"Oh I'm sorry. Yes, we can maybe meet at this one playground near our old Highschool." I may wont be able to come Karl.
"Great! I'm so excited to meet you, we have go catch up." he responds.
"See you next week." I say, not sure if I'm going to be able go meet him.

"Who was that?" George says as soon as I walk in the kitchen.
"Oh just my old friend. He wants to meet you next week but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to meet him." I maybe shouldn't have said that.
"I'm going to make sure that you'll meet him"
"Oh nothing." I'm confused.

George Pov:
I'm not sure why I said that, it sounded creepy.
But I know what Dream means when he said that. I can't lose him like that. Not now.

"I-im gonna wash up." I say, standing up and putting the dishes in the sink.
"Okay, I'll take a walk." Dream responds and walks outside.

"When should I tell him..." I ask myself.

3rd Person Pov:
Dream decided to take a walk, it was very windy and cold outside.

"Why did I decide to only bring this jacket, it's not even warm." Dream mutters to himself.

"I'M HOME!" Dream shouts after he closes the front door. He wasn't outside for long. For only 10 minutes.

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