Unwanted Help

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Jeremy's POV


My eyes widen as I hear her call my name. "ImmortalJex?" Not soon after, I end up stammering out, "...E-ender_wolf?" She nods. It's silent for a long time. Suddenly, I hear mike interfere. "Way to make it awkward. What are you two, Lovebirds?" He gave the shippiest look i have ever seen, It nearly scared me how good it was. I start stuttering . "N-no!i-it isn't-" I am suddenly interrupted by a pat on my head. "Shush pap, my son. Shush pap" she turns to mike saying, "I have a girlfriend, thanks." Then she leans back to look at how surprised he is. Not everyday you meet a bisexual, after all.


Skylar's POV


The night is really boring. I look in the tablet. I suddenly see Bonnie from backstage on his way to the hallway. My eyes widen. I feel so accomplished. I turn to the two males beside me. "I saw an animatronic out of place first! I win! I win!" Mike rolls his eyes, and Jeremy stifles a laugh. Mike Speaks up, "It isn't a contest. It's BAD to spot them moving anyway. Where is it?" Jeez, mike IS a dickhead. "Bonnie is in das hallway!" I say, as a familiar pair of red dots come to sight. "Jex- i mean, 'Jeremy'- can you get me the flashlight?" Jeremy hands me the flashlight. I pont it over to Bonnie. "So, I just do this? Or-" I flash the light once. Bonnie Sheilds his eyes. When the lights go off, he stumbles forward once more. I suddenly get a great Idea. "Shoo Bon, don't booother me! Shoo Bon, don't don't booother me!" I sing. I flash the flashlight to the beat. Bonnie stumbles out of the hallway. I turn to mike. He is utterly confused. "..Where's my Oscar? Come on I totally deserve an Oscar!" mike rolls his eyes. "You're so odd..." "Thank you." I reply. Mike rolls his eyes once more. Pretty muxch te rest of the night is boring. It's a monday. YAWN. Then I hear bells, signaling 6 o'clock. I hide under the desk, comically yelling "THE BELL NINJAS ARE COMING FOR US!" Both me and jeremy burst into laughter, and even mike chuckles a bit. Mike packs his stuff and leaves.


Jeremy's POV


Im doing it again, Staring off in the distance. Thinking about Mike. I have a very secret crush on the guard. I can't explain it, considering I don't wanna tell anyone. Skylar starts to look at me, Which is beyond my acknowledgment, considering me being deep in thought. I snap back to reality when I hear Skylar. "Jere! can i call you jere? Jere-Bear-Bae?" I sigh. "Please don't call me that-" "I'm calling you that. Rolls off the toungue. Anyway, whatchya thinkin bout? Looks like you're thinking of something awesome. What is it? I wanna know please!" I hope she doesn't notice the pink tint of blush blooming across my face. "N-NOTHING.' I stammer out very fast. Skylar looks at me with wide eyes, and I know what's coming next... "It isn't a thing, is it? Are you thinking of a perrrrrsooooon?" She Smiles really wide. She has a better shipping face than mike, dear god. its terrifying. I shuffle. "I hav no idea w-what you're t-t-talking ab-bout..." I stutter, anxious. She had better not guess it... "Either its really cold, or you're lying. it isn't cold. Who are you thiiiiinkin' boooout?" I turn away. 'Its classified..." "Oh sure it is." Skylar muses. "Look i wont tell them! or anyone! The secret is totally safe with me!" I roll my eyes. "I can't believe that." Skylar slumps over. "I've kept the secret of my best female friend's crush for 2 years now, and counting! I think you can trust me. It really doesn't matter if you like them-" Suddenly, i interrupted her, snapping " it does matter that i like him!" I quickly put my hand over my mouth, realizing i've said a bit too much. Skylar's eyes jight up like she just won the lottery 47 times, 47 being her lucky number. "HIM? REAAAAAAAAAAAAALYYYY?" She smiles so wide i swear her mouth could split apart. "Does that mean you're-" I cut her off. "it doesn't mean anything." Skylar looked at me with a gaze like i just pressed a button to destroy the universe. "Yes it so does! you're like...not straight somehow! are you Bi? Homo? Heteroflexible? Or are you a romanticy? Homoromanticy Demi? Ooh! Or-" I interruptued her once more, confused by the terms she was throwing at me. "First off, Im asexual. Second off- What in the wide world is a romanticy?" Skylar opens her mouth, as if to say something, but quickly shut it, deep in thinking. "Well...I think it's like...It works with asexuals like this; You dont have a sezual attraction, but, You have a romantic one, and if you like a guy, then that means you could be homoromantic, asexual, or biromantic, asexual, or god knows panromantic, asexual." I sit astonished. Is it possible i can do that? really, though? Or is she making stuff up? I ask her about it but she doesn't reply. After a while she just looks at me like im weird. "...Jere-bearbae? Stop staring, its weird." It then occured to me i did not ask her about my question out loud. I just push it aside. "Nevermind."


Skylar's POV


Suddenly a memory pops into my mind. "You never told me who you like." Jeremy perks up. "I cant trust you with it, i-it's really...e-embarassing..." He starts to get flustered, and blush. Oh this is gonna be good. "You can trust me! I won't tell a soul." Jeremy turned to me. "Well I can't tell a soul either." I giggle. "Im 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent sure that I don't HAVE a soul, so your point is invalid." Jeremy sighs." "...promise not to tell anyone?" I nod, and add, "I wont even tell anyone, anytwo, or anynumber of anything at all." Jeremy dips his head a bit. "...mhrk..." I cup my hand to my ear. "Who?" "...mirk..." "Murk?" I move in closer. "...Mike." My eyes widen. I step back a bit, and start to snicker. Jeremy's eyes widen. "H-Hey!" I stop, and catch my breath "Heh... sorry, it's just...He's a bit of a dick sometimes." Jeremy looks the oppisite way. "Yeah, so?" I turn my head to him. "Well, I can't sit here and do nothing about it." Jeremy perks up. "What do you mean by that?" I giggle. "I mean i can't sit here and NOT let this be canon. Shipping is ago!" Jeremy widens his eyes! "Y-You can't do that! Mike has a gorlfriend! Ha's straight-" I cut him off. "or bisexual. Just listen, a little friendly shipping won't hurt!" I leave before jeremy gets a chance to protest. There's so much to do with this...Jeremike, I'll call it.

AUTHORS NOTE Listen, I got alot of work and im busy with my scratch account, Endar_Wolf, and my animations, and Im also currently writing a warriors fanfic. By the way, Tell me if you want my fanfic on here! I can just copypaste it from google docs. Well, see ya! Till the next chapter ^w^

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