Taking a turn for the worst

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~Nobody's POV~

"What's the problem?" A echoey, disembodied voice rumbles. "She's planning something. I dont know what, but her soul is way off. It's joyous, but grim. I think she is well on her way of fareing into insanity." The Blonde concludes. A figure in the back of the room walks toward the blonde girl. Her light gray skin Stands against the shadows. Her White cloak Blows swiftly to the right, though there is no wind to move it in such a way. "I see. Im afraid she may be having an imbalance of emotions. Perhaps this is the cause. We will have to inspect further, Skylar." The blonde nodded. "Of course, Torikku." Torikku turns, walking into the shadows again. "You may go back to the overworld and observe her closely. Only alert me if something bad happens; I dont want to leave the void with no reason." The blonde nodded. She uttered something under her breath, and a jade green door appeared. She walked through it, and the door shut behind her. Skylar stepped into her home. 'And to think,' she started, 'If jeremy knew about this, he'd flip!'

That night at the pizzeria...

~Jeremy's POV~

I whistle a tune as the clock strikes midnight. Mike Throws up the camera immediatley. It's a while before he mutters something under his breath, and stats winding the music box. "Its always twenty fucking times faster on fridays, I tell ya. Its like a cheat!" I sigh under my breath. We dont much like the puppet here. Skylar tiredly blinked away in the vents. Toy bonnie was out already? Thats a new record. Jeremy looked over to his left again. Mike was still checking the cameras. He scoffed and passed it to me. "Im hella bored. Skylar! Gimme the flash light." Skylar handed it to him drowsily. "Fine," She started, "I really need to sleep anyway." She threw her head down onto the table. She must've gotten left out of her nightly starbucks visit. Perhaps she was busy then. I look on the cameras. Wait a second...Endercore is back! She looks at the camera. I silently pray in my mind that she doesn't rip it off like the last few times she's visited. She has a rather weird interest in just about everything robotic.

Endercore stands up. Please dont tear off the camera, PLEASE dont tear it off...

She waves Gleefully. She points to a container on the table. I shrug and switch cams. Suddenly I get a phone call. "Jeremyyyyyyyyyy" "Hi endercore" Mike looks at me. "You're talking to half-head?" Ah, yes, Mike had come up with a 'witty' nickname for endercore. Its actually kind of obvious; Half of her head is shaved off, with a funny scar pattern if you look close enough. Not sure what happened. She's also schizophrenic; Shes rarely logical.

"Yeah," I reply. "Jerebob!"She calls. I sigh. "What?" "C'mere. I has caaaaaake!!!"

"I can't leave," I whisper, "It's dangerous out there. Friday today-the animatronics are super active." Endercore giggled. "The old ones got destroyed, im in the nearest room to the place, and I have CAKE! Why would you leave it here? I cant save you any; I already ate half of it!" My eyes widen. "How long have you been here?!" "Oh I've been waaiting the past few hooours! Come on theres plenty cake for us both!" I sigh. "Skylar?" I say to the blonde. She lifts her head sleepily. "whaaaa?" She slurrs. "Endercore wants to see me. I think she has cake?" Skylar giggled sleepily. "Yeah, She always does. Its like her culture or something. Go ahead; I'll keep mike from freaking out." Jeremy nodded and strolled cautiously down the hall.

Skylar Turned to mike. "I hope you don mind," She started, "But Jere's going to see something Endercore wants to show 'im." Mike Sat up tall. (Because saying 'Straight' would be uncooth!) "You did what?!" Skylar shook her head. " If it's endercore, She'd refuse resistance. He pretty much HAD to go." Mike slumped down in his chair. "Great; Trusting jere with Half-head!" Skylar shook her head. "Whast's the worst that could happen?" She remembered back to the time thst Tori and Skylar would call, "The great circuit break". Okay, MAYBE it wasn't such a good Idea...

Mike and skylar sat awhile longer until endercore and jeremy ran into the room. Mike immediatley Perked up. "What's wrong?" He started. Jeremy ran up to the table. "Melody...She..." Skylar looked at endercore. Her eyes were blank, but...hurt. Mike: What is it?" Jeremy looked up at mike.

"Melody's dead."

(Continued in Part 2)

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