A trap laid with springs

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Melody's POV


"Vincent, Please don't go to the Pizzeria! It's dangerous!" I plead, hanging onto my father's collar. He swats my hands away. He grabs my face. "Melody," He says sternly. "Im going back, I need to do something about this." I pullaway. "Then let me come with you!" I cry. "What if something terrble happens?!" The place isclosed a-and the animatronics are moving, And you might get hur-" He grabbed my shoulder, and I stopped. I looked at him, Gold, shining eyes meeting white, sightless ones. (yeah he's blind in my AU deal with it) "Melody, Listen..." he said softly and shakily. "I'm going to the pizzeria. A-and if anything does happen, Don't worry." He smiled. "I still have a plan." He then turned abruptly and left

I was left speechless. Time passed. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick, Tock. Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock,  Tick Tock TickTockTickTockTickTock~ Time seemed to speed up around me, Swirling around me, a confusing merry-go-round, Having a little go-round, round the clock, round the park, round and round and round and-...Dizzy Dizzy, Dizzy, Eyes gone tipsy, In a tizzy...Little birds, Tweeting tweeting all the way to Wonderland. I was lost in something exactly like a fantasy, but opposite, The truth was all a lie, covered in truth, making it true but was it? was it false? Or was it real? Is anything real? I hear a chime, And a chime, And a chime, And a CHIME and a CHIME and a CHIME CHIME- wait a minute... -CHIME- The...Chimes...-CHIME-...The time...nine chimes last time, this'll be... My realization, my snapping back to reality, and the chime all harmonize with the word spilled from my mouth- "Ten!"  I looked at the clock: Ten O 'Clock. Funny, our clock doesn't chime, There's not a single chiming clock around here as far as I know, not on in our town, or next door, or- "Wait a second..." My memory spillsd in, a door shutting and a purple figure walking to a car, and I glance at a cclock before I settle myself. 9...9?! "It's been an hour!" I cry. "Vincent's been gone a whole HOUR!" I leave, and get on my bike.

I ride to the pizzeria fast as a bolt. I find the pizzeria, and  go immediatley inside. I yell in despair, "Vincent!" It rings. And rings. Until all is silent. There is no stirring, not even the snimatronics are moving. But I venture forth. I enter the prize corner. The maronette's hands can be seen peeking out from under the box lid. I can barely make out the eyes. The box lid is shaking. It's eyes are full of fear. Something here happened. I keep running in the halls dark and silent, but bekoning me to a spot. It calls y name. A raspy, familiar voice, calling me. 'melo...dy...melodyyy..." It whispers. It's emotion is all to clear. Pain. Regret. Guilt. I kept running until i came across a small room. And when i got there, I stopped dead in my tracks.

The old, withered animatronics lay busted, and broken, and beaten. Bolts and screws litter the floor, like it's their blood. They've been trashed. They're not just trashed, like the mangle, they're far worse. They're snapped. Torn. Pieces here, and pieces there. I never realized the blood trailing from another, dark opening until it touched bonnie's ear, consuming it and staining it a stick, warm crimson. I turn to the dark hall. A ghastly breeze flows, though there is no opening for air to come through. A faint, familiar smell passes me, as if someone brushes pass. I hear that raspy whisper beckon to me again, but this time, I hear a whole new brew of emotions. Glee, stealth, and...A little hint of insanity. It becomes more than a hint when the raspy whisper grows intoa low, bellowing chuckle, as if it is pleased by something. Perhaps it's pleased by y presence. I walk in. I imediately regret my desicion.

My eyes water uncontrolably. My hands shake. A ringing and loud, crazed laughter call strongly in the back of my mind. A flash of purple, a wisp of cool air carrying that same, familiar breeze from before. The wisp flew, and I thought for a second it bore  glowing, sightless eyes and a grim, toothy smile, and it landed upon a rotted, bloodstained golden bonnie suit. I know exactly what happened here. I lift the headpiece of the suit, and reveal a mangled mess of bone, flesh and its of brain, and a horrid gush of blood, staining the pale, violet skin of a dead body. My father's. I fall to my knee's setting the headpiece back on. I look at my hands. Stained with blood and grime, then my vision brightens momentarily with a dark, gilded glow. I sat, and layed my face in my hands. And I sat. And a mix of salty tears and blood trailed down, while I cried. After a while, still sobbing, I reach to my phone. I shakily switch to my contacts list. Skylar. I call her. One ring. Two rings. Three. Four. She finally picks up. "Hey mel. What's up?" Her tone is happy. Joyful. I envy that tone, whoch  I knpow, when she hears the news, will not stay for long. The single moment was enough to reak the dam holding back my tears. And so I start.

(A/N Hey so this Links onto the last chapter, so yeah.If you want you cazn read that one first but that's okay read just this one first if you want. Anyway, Earlier in the story, When Mel had the whole fantasy-nightmare-tripping-balls thing, I felt so much like a mix of Stephen king and Edgar Allen Poe, Holy shit. That was so fun to write. Tell me If I should do more of Melody's POV, I love doing this stuff for you guys! ^w^ Love, Shippy)

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