A death to sing to

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(A/N: This has nothing to do with the story whatsoever. Just a bit of a backstory for our craziest character, EnderCore. But in this time, she's Arizona Shandouz, a scientist. And I think we can guess which lab; 8 piece circle, orange and blue, BULLET HOLES? no? It-It's aperture. Aperture science laboratories? Anyone? Oh and her name ENDS WITH CORE. I couldn't have made this more obvious. Anyway, ENJOY!)


Arizona's POV


I hate my life. GLaDOS has killed all but two of our crew. Me and some other guy, Doug I think. I didn't know him very well. He had a daughter, too. Poor darling, she only has one dad. Point is, I gotta get outta here! There's turrets around every corne- Pain. In the side of my hip. A bullet just grazed me. I hide behind a nearby glass pane to distort the turret's sensors. Im not getting out of this one unscaved... But I can get out alive. The exit isn't far now. I pick up a cube nearby and chuck it at one turret, knocking down the other with it. In the blaze of bullets, I jump through, past them. They always make those cheap, forgiving statements, but not one of them. One of them mourns "I dont blame you", but the other one did the strangest thing.

It started humming. It hummed a sweet melody, filling my mind with a sweet feeling. I felt dazy, almost. It was a tune I remembered once long ago. Cara ma, cara Mia Bella, Mia, latra... It breaks my focus from this world. Gas fills the room and I snap back chocking on the terrible pungent air. I crawl for the exit. I'm blacking out, but I make it out. Then I pass out on the grass.


EnderCore's POV


"Cara ma, cara Mia Bella, Mia, o cell, steres Mia Ron Tera Mia la Mia Carta, bambina... What a lovely tune playing through my head! How'd it get there? Hey what is this?" I pick up my nametag and look at it. "That isn't me!" I pull a thing called a sharpie out of my pocket. I start writing. E, then...What IS my name? Suddenly, a dark, hunched over creature with long, black, messy fur walks to me. It is hidden in its mass of fur. It Has dark, velvety violet eyes. It reaches out and puts its human like hand on my cheek. It croaks out a sound. "Ender." It calls. Then it dissolves into mist, carried by the whistling wind. I start scribbling with my sharpie.


(A/N: Yeah I'm sorry that this is so short. It's just, I'm typing this on an iPod, and my autocorrect has gone WHACKO. It took me an hour to type this having 'can' turned to ham then scan then tan even though its spellers PERFECTLY. I hate it.)


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