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So guys there was a lot of people who expressed their concerns on the fact that I was mad story and I stopped and now I'm asking for 14 KB I do not see anything wrong with it because I give you guys what you want and so if you really want to read the book share it let people know and you know the read the book and I'll get the view so that way I can post another chapter although I don't owe you guys anything at all I am not obligated to update the story I am not obligated to write about them at all I do it because I know that you guys like it and I know that you guys enjoy my book and I love that but at the same time again I am not obligated but I will be updating the story next week simply because I understand that a lot of you were reading it and I just stop Middleburg but you have to know that I lost motivation that it was not the same that I did not feel the same passion for the story as when I first started simply because of the group and because of everything that's going on in my life again you don't need to hear about that you guys just want the book and I understand that and I thank you so much for the people who have read it and the people that didn't complain when I ask for 14 K views which is at 13 so I mean it would've been a big of a deal but since you guys have a problem with that I'm going to give you another chapter next week now don't complain when I ask for things in return because i'm simply doing this for you and other writers ask for even bigger waste all the time you guys have no problem with that but you guys love my book so much but don't want to do what I ask or even try and attempt the first thing you do is complain and that really makes me not want to even update it but I'm going to do it because I know that there's a lot of people who really enjoy reading this book and there's a lot of people who aren't complaining about having to share it or whatever so yes new chapter next week don't know what time be looking out for that and you guys have a blessed day again I'm so sorry that I have stopped mid book because I know it was not fair to those who are reading and that's on me but I will be giving you guys Another chapter next week so do not worry in this chapter is going to be super good so I hope that you guys enjoy again thank you for reading my book those who are loyal those who aren't complaining thank you very much see you guys bye *kisses

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