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3rd POV

It had been two weeks since roshuan told them what he does for work.

"Ok I'll tell you guys, I work as a hit man"
"A WHAT?" Kai yelled.
"What even is that" Alvaro asked.
Everyone looked at him like he was stupid.
"It's some one who kills people for money, but I promise I only hurt bad people." Roshuan said nervously.
The room was silent, the boys were speechless, well all accept Mattia.
"Tia you knew about this" Kai said breaking the silence with tears in his eyes.
Mattia looked at roshuan and held his head down. "Y-yes I'm sorry I didn't say anything.
"I just wanted to protect all of you from this" Roshuan spoke.
End of flashback
Now they won't even speak a whole sentence to each other.
Mattia still sleeps in the room with roshuan every night. Kairi sleeps by himself in a guess room, ale sleeps in a room next to Mattia and roshuan , Alvaro sleeps in the same room as ale but is a different bed.

They won't even touch each other, kairi cry's himself to sleep every night, he tries to hide it but they can all hear.
Roshuan feels so guilty every time he leaves out for "work" he sees the look on their faces. Disappointment,anger,sadness, Fear.
Roshuan POV
I woke up to Mattia I was cuddling him, god he's so gorgeous.
I finally answer my phone.
R-roshuan O-other guy
O-hey ro,you free today
R-yeah,what's up
O-Tony's got a job for you
R-who do I have to kill
I whispered quietly careful not to wake him up.
O-actually there's three
R-are there names
O-callum Jackson, he a big time drug dealer, and sneaky one too, going around stealin every ones shit.
R-when does he need it done
O-well let's see it's 9 so by 3 he would appreciate it and so would I.
R-I text you when it's done, and then you can give me the other names.
O-ok he'll down town by the Wilkins building by 2, oh and heavy security.
R-trust me I'll get the job done, don't I always?
I said feeling pretty cocky
O-haha yes you do
R-it'll be done by 2:30
*beep* I hung up.
"Who will die today?" A sleepy voice called out it was Mattia, he was awake the whole time.
"Baby I'm sorry"
"You don't have to be sorry,I'm wondering who's gonna lose their life today, I have to problem with your line of work"
I leaned down and kissed his lips passionately, this is why I love him he always so understanding stubborn but understanding he never questioned my intentions from the start and I appreciate him for that.
"Thank you for understanding baby"
"That's what I'm here for baby"
I looked at him, he looked at if he was thinking really hard about something.
"What's wrong baby"
"I want to join you"
"What do you mean baby"
"I want to kill people like you do, I want to be like you"
I looked into his eyes he was dead serious.
"I said no"
"Please just let be come for today just to watch"
He was looking at me with puppy dog eyes
"Please, pretty please"
Well since today isn't going to be hard I guess I can let his tag along.
"Fine, but you have follow strict rules and you listen to me and only me, you don't move from my side unless I tell you to"
He screamed and hugged really tight singing thanks yous, I chuckled. He so silly, he's my big goof.
"Ok why don't me and you go make breakfast and take shower before our big mission" I whispered the the part the last part even though there's no secret in what I do anymore.
Ales thoughts 💭
Why am I not good enough?
I hear tia and ro talking and laughing in the room next to us and I know I'm mad at ro but how come he never talks and laughs with me like that, he always so serious with me.
Am I that un-lovable?
I haven't head the words 'I love you' come from ro mouth in a month, and it's like he doesn't even realize how sad I am.
Ales thoughts over...
    I huffed and went down stairs since Alvaro was still sleeping.
Mattia and roshuan were in the kitchen making breakfast, I didn't even care to make myself known I was invisible anyways.
I went out side to the pool, now I can swim just not in the deep in, since no ones loves me anyway they won't care if I'm gone so fuck it.
I stripped down to my underwear and walked around to 11th feet, I was scared shitless and just as I was about jump "what the hell do you think your doing" stern dominant voice call out, it was Mattia.
"Why were you about to jump in the deep end you know to can't swim in the part"
"I was just looking"
"I'm telling ro" he said walking back towards the back door.
"W-w-why, I d-didn't do anything w-wrong"
"Ro" Mattia called out as we walked in the kitchen.
"What's going on"
"Go on tell him"
"Nothing I was Just about to take a swim"
"He lying" Mattia said with an angry tone.
"Don't lie to me princess"
This was when I was going to shit myself. I just stayed, what was I gonna say that I was trying to kill myself I couldn't they were already on edge about kairi.

  He grabbed me by the throat really hard and made me look at him, I winced when I saw frustration and anger in his eyes.
"What did you do"
I now had tears rolling down my eyes. Roshuans expression changed from an angry one to a confused one.
"Just tell me baby" he said with a softer tone.
"I was about to s-swim I-in the deep e-end"
"Why baby and you know you can't swim that well?"
"Because I feel like if no one loves me, why would you care if I died"
There's moment of silence at this Point I'm sobbing.
"Is this how you really feel?"
I nodded my head.
"Baby boy, why didn't you come to me"
"Because your always devoting you time to them and not me, and I'm just so tired of being your last choice, your my dom, your all of our dom, so it is your job to make sure every last one feels special and to make sure you give all of us equal time with you" I said yelling the last.
"But I do my best and sometimes I do mess up and not give you enough attention or anyone of you. It's hard being one person and having 4 boyfriends who all want a lot attention, who needs special care,who needs my shoulder to cry on" I could hear his voice break at the end I feel terrible.
"And actually all of you to hear this. Everyone in the kitchen now"
Kairi and Alvaro came in the kitchen confused.
"I am doing the best that I can, yes I know your all very upset with me, I need to do what's best for you, I need to provide for us and if the means killing people so be it, I'm sorry, I'm sorry,IM SORRY, I'm sorry that I can't give you all the attention you guys deserve from me" tears were falling from is eyes it broke all of our hearts, roshuan never cried he was always stong, now he finally just snapped.
"I love each every one of you, ale I love how your smile lights up any dark room, how your always making jokes and making us laugh" I blushed so hard when he said that.
"Alvaro I love that your so loyal and no matter what people say about you or us you my strong little baby, and I love looking at the that beautiful pussy of yours" Alvaro was blushing so hard and squirming under his gaze.
"Kairi I love fact that you can over come any battle, and that when life knocks you down, you always get back up, and plus your the most adorable person I know, sweet.
  A tear drops from kairis eye.
"And last but not least baby tia, I love the fact that your so understanding and you never doubt me. I love the fact that you always thinking about someone else feelings and not just you own, and you always have that sparkle in You eye when you look at me it lets me know that I'm loved" Mattia pulled him in for a passionate kiss.
"I love you more than you'll ever know" Mattia said out of breath.
I then pulled him in for a kiss the kairi than Alvaro.
"We should have sex"
"Sure why I got some time to spare let's do it"

Ikr long next coming out this week maybe
Depends on how this chapter does.

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