Insecure pt 2

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Am I dead
I woke at 4:45 for some reason I quickly realize that kairi isn't here I start to panic
But then I just thought he could be in the bathroom.
I got up and went in the bathroom I see a pale lifeless looking kairi and a puddle of blood.
3rd POV
roshuan got half sleep, but was fully awake once he saw the sight in front of him.
"Go call the ambulance" ro said
Roshuan was shaking kairi
"Come baby get up" roshuans said his cracking
By this time on the boys were in the bathroom.
2 minutes later the ambulance was there kairi

Wasn't breathing, the ambulance had to shock his heart three times by the third time he started breathing, the boys felt a relief Over them, they all were crying.
  Roshuan rode in the ambulance with kairi and the boys went in the car.
Hours later kairi was hooked up to a ivy,he had to get stitches. He was in a coma.
All the boys were in the room with him, the room was just silent nobody was talking until...
Mattia POV
"What happened" I said tears falling from my eyes
Nobody answered
I looked at Alejandro and he just looked down that pissed me off even more than I already was.
I walking up his grabbed his jaw hard and made him look at me and I yelled "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED" more tears started falling from his eyes but I didn't give a shit because this wasn't about him it was about my baby Kai.
"I-I-I found him *sniffle* um on the floor *sniffle* looking lifeless" ale said, he staring off into space his face was unreadable it's like he was scarred.
"He was so pale.....I'm so scared" by this point he just broke down started crying really hard, I hugged him really tight he was shaking hard, the rest of the boys came over and we all started hugging and we stayed that for what seemed like hours.
2 months later
3rd POV
The boys were so depressed, they talk to him everyday and night.
Kairi was still in a coma, the boys really depended on roshuan, roshuan was feeling the worst out of the guys but he had to stay strong for them. Every night he will cry to himself in the bathroom so that they wouldn't hear him. They each took turns bathing him. So was this what their life was now? Is this all that they had? will  Kairi ever wake up?
Roshuans POV
It's been 2 months since kairi has been in a coma and it's really taking a toll on me, I'm a the hospital with Kairi the boys are at home getting freshened up, I'm right at kairis bedside.
" if you can hear me please wake up baby I need you..we need you here, I'm sorry that we made you feel unwanted or whatever the case was but baby please, please come back im drowning in sorrow, I feel like my heads about to bust, I feel like everyone's looking at me for all the answers but I don't know.....I DONT KNOW OKAY.. so baby please just wake up" at this point I was full on sobbing I was holding his hand and I felt a little squeeze I looked up...


"Hi baby"

Oooooo so Kai woke up what so y'all think about this chapter.
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