out at 2am

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A/N: Don't worry, I'm working on requests, just uploading this because it was done. I'll add a Valkyrie catchup and I want add my oc too cause I think it'd be fun

Elliot and you are just goofing around, doing dumb shit with his clones around our hared space and eventually around town. Thank the stars you guys didn't end up in one of those Apex Games fan blog websites or anything of the sort.

Sitting on a highway tunnel and counting all the cars, just admiring the headlights and you pretending to jokingly push her off the edge

Chilling in a field of livestock. Well, you chilling in it, while also recording him doing something stupid.

Going out to ride skateboards. Anita surprisingly can do a trick or two.

Admiring the city from the mountains. He gets a few pictures of you being highlighted by the city lights.

Relaxing with a few soda cans by a city lake. Nat gets distracted sometimes and you have to stop her from accidentally dipping her shoes in the water.

Early, early, early breakfast. I'm talking buttered croissants, coffee, and bakery brochures. At a fancy bakery too.

Hacking those tvs on display in shop windows and doing parkour on the top of roofs of some buildings. You have to holler at him to slow down sometimes.

Swimming at a public pool after hours. You guys are just talking about nothing, but it's a nice way to relax together outside. *cue being chased by a security guard at least an hour later*(of course, you two escaped)

When he isn't doing his normal thing(you know what I mean) your walking the streets dimly lit by streetlights. Your balancing on a stone fence and he's lurking close by, making sure you don't fall off and hurt yourself. Or maybe he wants you to fall, who knows.

You get to hang our with the Flyer Liars, a band she ran with for a while. Walking the streets, and lots and lots of pictures. Of course you did all of this without being public nuisances.

You join him to go out and feed stray cats. You guys ended up being followed by one of the cats with one eye, and you end up keeping her and bringing her back home.

Riding a small boat on a lake with a lantern and fishing. You ended up letting the fish you caught back into the water. It was just a nice way to relax together and improve your fishing skills.

She's pushing you down the street in an abandoned store cart and you guys are screaming your asses off, just having a good time. After you guys are tired of the cart, you stop at a playground and cuddle on the slide.

Doing swan dances, or any kind of dance really on her gravity lifts. She's actually extremely good at dancing and you suggested she teach dance classes.

You both are riding bikes up and down the streets to see who can get somewhere the fastest. You beat him most of the time, and he blames it on his age.

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