wraith-dont worry about it

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my life is a movie fr tired of living it honestly 💀

anyway, figured i should start trying to write more actual one shots than just scenarios. I wanna do some casual ones and a whole bunch of other ones and try to make them longer, but i feel like i can't end stories well and it feels like i'm not good at writing longer stories. BUT I'LL TRY. I also want to start working on my other book again soon :)

"Can't sleep?"

"No," Renee answered me, sitting up next to me on her side of the bed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's fine, I have to pee anyway," I replied, throwing the covers off of me, instantly regretting it as the cold instantly hit my body. I did what I had to do before returning to our shared room. I threw open the closet door and threw a hoodie at her.

"What'd you do that for?"

"I'm craving something from the corner store, and you can't sleep, so lets go and get some fresh air." She didn't reply, she just pulled the hoodie over her head as I did the same with a hoodie of my own.

She often had nights where she couldn't sleep. She wouldn't always talk to me about it, and I'd never force her to, so I just sat up with her until either one of us fell asleep (or in my case, usually, back to sleep)

"Y'know, it's two in the morning."

"I know!" I held my hand out to her, just as she popped her head through the opening of the hoodie. Her warm hand embraced mine, and I hoisted her up onto her feet. We put some slides on our feet and headed outside.
The chilly, morning air hit us instantly. It wasn't too cold, but it was cold enough.

"Guess we should have worn pants," she chuckled, body slightly shivering from the cold.

"Yeah, but we're out here now!" I smiled and hooked my arm with hers. We walked for a while until the blinking neon sign that said "open." The bell dingled, causing the store owner to look up from behind the counter and smile. We gave him a small wave and looked at the drinks in the display fridges.

"Oh! You wanna try this?" I pulled open the fridge and pulled out a green can with a pink drippy soda design. "This one pops in your mouth!"

"Uh, how?" She seemed confused, so I grabbed a couple and tucked them in her arm. I got us some little pastry snacks and some candy, and left, just as some other people were entering the store.

"Where are we going?" She asked me.

"To hangout," I stated as I pulled her along with me.

"Okay babe, so when you drink this, the juice sorta pops in your mouth, like the candy," I said as she fiddled with her messy bun. She was clearly a little hesitant. The last time I made her try something like this, she couldn't feel her tongue for two days.

Our bare legs dangled over a ledge, the water from the city lake quietly crashing up against the wall. I handed her the can after cracking it open. Her blue eyes looked at the can, then at me, then at the can again.

"Here goes nothing." I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing as the can grazed her lips. Seconds later, juice shot through her nose and sputtered from her mouth. I flopped over onto my back and burst into a fit of laughter while she wiped at her face, laughing a little too.

"That's it, I'm never eating anything you feed me again!"

"Here, let me get it," I said in between chuckles. I glided my sleeve across her lips, holding her head in place with my other hand. The juice stained the cuff of my sleeve. "I love when you smile."

Her cheeks visibly reddened as I scooted closer to her until our thighs touched.


"Are you okay? I know you don't usually like to talk about it, but you know you can talk to me about whatever it is, right?" She nodded, staring out at the body of water.

"I know, I just don't want you to worry."

"I worry when I can't help you."

Her eyes continued to stare at the water, but I can tell that she's thinking about something.

"I just...I'm worried that something bad will happen."

"Like what?" She shrugged.

"Don't know."

"Won't the other you's from the other realities let you know if something is up though?"

"That's the thing, they haven't, not for a while."

"Then isn't that a good thing?"

"I don't know."

"Maybe it is," I said, pulling her head to lay on my shoulder. Her hair tickled my neck a bit. "If they aren't telling you anything, that means you aren't in any immediate danger."

"I guess, but I don't like not hearing them. My head is always empty and then it starts to wander and then I can't relax. I start thinking about stuff that might happen to me or you, and whether or not I'll be able to stop it."

"Babe, you worry too much. Y'know, it's alright to relax sometimes. There isn't anything wrong with being on your guard, but you'll drive yourself crazy if your always ready to defend yourself."

"I guess your right," she mumbled as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you, and nothing will happen to me, and even if it does, I know you'll save me," I smiled, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. She pushed air through her nose as I dug into one of the bags of snacks we got from the convenience store and pulled another juice can.

"Are you still thirsty?"

"Pfft, no!" She laughed softly as she playfully shoved the drink away from me.  "Let's go home, I'm actually kind of tired now."

"Me too," I said, grabbing the bags and hoisting myself up. We hooked arms again and talked and talked about nothing on the way home. After getting comfy under the covers of our shared bed she pulled me close and whispered into my ear:

"I love you, Y/n."

"Love you too, Renee."

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