Invaded (Chapter 10)

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Brooke POV

 Hundreds of polaroid pictures were taped to the walls of our living room. Still holding onto Nikki, I moved closer to the wall by my left to inspect the pictures. At first they looked like any ordinary snapshots of people on the street that you might see in the magazines or something. It wasn't long before I realized that these images were anything but ordinary. 

"Nikki....." I whispered, "That's me". He didn't respond. He just moved further into the room silently examining the rest of the photos. Seeing the pictures of myself while at the grocery store, and coffee shop were bad enough, but the pictures of me inside the house were far worse.

Somehow someone had managed to photograph me getting out of the shower, standing in front of the mirror in my bedroom trying on different outfits for the day, and Nikki holding me at night while I slept. 

Taking in the scene around me I felt the tears start to fall. When I was attacked in my own apartment I thought there was no way I could feel anymore violated than I had at that point. Turns out I was wrong. 

With a roar of outrage, Nikki started ripping the polaroid's from the walls, tearing them to shreds. Falling onto the couch with my hands covering my face, I began to cry harder. After a moment an arm wrapped around my shoulders. "It's ok. We'll find the SOB who did this" Mick said in a hushed tone. 

We didn't bother with calling the police. Nikki figured they wouldn't be much help anyway since nobody was hurt, not to mention he had destroyed the crime scene. Instead we gathered a few clothes and headed to Mick's house for the night. 

"I'll get you guys some fresh linens. I don't usually have company staying over night so there's never a reason for the bed to be made up for sleeping". Mick explained as we followed him upstairs to the guest room.

It was decorated in true Mick Mars fashion. Three of the walls were a deep burgundy color, with one wall painted black. An intricately carved mahogany headboard rested against the single black wall. 

The bed was made up with a velvet maroon bedspread, with matching  pillow shams and black silk throw pillows. "I hope you don't mind fixing the bed yourselves. My back is giving me some trouble tonight" Mick said, handing Nikki a stack of white sheets. 

"Thanks Mick. I owe you huge for this" Nikki said, placing the stack of linens on the bed. "No problem. You can pay me back by catching this creep," Mick replied. "Are you going to be alright?" He asked pulling me into a hug.

Holding back tears I forced a smile," Yeah I'll be fine. You go rest your back. We'll see you in the morning". Pulling away he gave me a cautious smile before saying good night and leaving the room.

Sniffling, I bent down to grab the linens to start making the bed. "You go sit down. I'll take care of this" Nikki said softly while taking the fitted sheet from my shaking hands. Without argument I went and sat in one of the black wing backed chairs the adorned the room.

Once he was done Nikki wordlessly grabbed my hand pulling me from the chair. "I'm not sure I can sleep tonight" I whispered more to myself than to him. "Don't worry. Nothing is getting past Mick. The man has security cameras everywhere" Nikki smiled.

Forcing a smile of my own I said, "I just want to forget. Even if it's only temporary". Stopping next to the bed, Nikki turned to face me, with his hands firmly on my waist. "Are you open to suggestions?" he asked with smirk.

One look at the fire dancing in his green eyes told me that he wasn't talking about playing board games.

(Sorry it's a short chapter! Life got a little busy, but I'll try to make it up with the next chapter!💝)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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