Unbelievable (chapter 1)

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(Brooklyn POV)

"Wait. What? Can you repeat that?" My uncle couldn't possibly have asked what I think he just asked. "Look Brook, you need a job and they need a housekeeper." He says. "In other words your little "trophy boys" need a maid. No. Nope. Not gonna happen." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
Sighing he replys, "You said your a fan of theirs. This way you get to spend time with them, and get paid for it!"

Why do I feel like my Uncle Allen just called me a hooker? "I'll think about it. Just give me until tomorrow." I say, relenting a little. "Fine, that's all I can ask. But keep in mind, it's five hundred dollars a week. Then again, make that two thousand a week, five hundred dollars a house." He casually states before walking out the door.

My name is Brooklyn Kovac. My Uncle is Allen Kovac, Motley Crue's manager, and he has just asked me to do the unthinkable. I was spending a nice, quiet Saturday morning in my apartment, when he showed up offering me the job of being Motley Crue's housekeeper. He's right. I'm a huge fan of theirs, and I do need a job, but I've also heard how they can be. All in all it makes me wonder if two thousand dollars a week is worth putting up with their antics.

Looking around at the place I call home, with it's peeling paint and stained wall paper, it doesn't take me long to come to a decision. Picking up the phone I dial my Uncles office number. "So it's a yes?" He says into the receiver. "Well hello to you too" I snap back, "and yeah. I'll do it."

I might be making a mistake by accepting this job offer. But one things for sure, with money like that I can move out of this appartment a lot faster than if I kept my waitressing job. After some talk about what my new job would include, he tells me to meet him at his office at nine a.m. tomorrow morning. From there we would be going to each of the guys houses so I could get acquainted with them.

(9 a.m. Sunday morning)

I arrived at my Uncle Allen's office around 8:50 a.m. and we quickly made our way to Mick's house. Along the way he explained to me that Mick would most likely be the only one awake at this time of morning.

Pulling into the driveway my nerves hit full force. My Uncle might manage the band, but I've never formally met any of its members. The front door opened before we ever got out of the car, and there stood Mr. Mick Mars himself.

Wearing black leather pants, a black t-shirt, and black leather jacket with black boots, he smiled and waved us inside. "Mick, I'd like you to meet my niece Brooklyn. She's going to be your new housekeeper." Uncle Allen says shaking Mick's hand.

"Nice to meet you Brooklyn. Come on in and I'll give you the grand tour" Mick says to me smiling. "That would be great. Thanks!" I reply smiling back. Walking in, the house is everything you would expect it too be. Very gothic.

The walls are a deep shade of red accented by dark wood and leather furnishings. The whole house for the most part is dimly lit, but surprisingly welcoming.

Uncle Allen and myself sit on a black leather couch, while Mick seats himself on a matching leather lounge chair. "Well Mick I've told Brook a little about what her job entails. I thought maybe you would want to give more detail as far as whats to be expected here at your house" Uncle Allen begins.

Resting his elbow on the arm of the chair with his chin in his hand, Mick gives me a thoughtful look for a moment before speaking, "Hmmm I guess my only thing would be, not to bring company with you. I'm a very private person".

After leaving Micks place, we made our way to Tommy's. Walking into Tommy's house was like walking into some erotic circus tent. Everywhere I looked there were naked people! Ok so they were really just figurines that looked like naked people, but still.

The walls were a warm amber color matching well with the light brown suide couches in the middle of the room. From the living room the kitchen with its dark granite countertops could clearly be seen.  "Number one rule. Have fun!" Tommy answered in response to the question of his expectations.

Next up we went to see Vince, and it was clear from his attire, or lack there of, that he had just gotten out of bed. Opening the door in nothing but a pair of green boxer shorts, and mussed hair, he asked if we could come back later. "She'll be back tomorrow to get started" was my Uncles only reply.

Lastly we went to Nikki's. "It's almost twelve, maybe he's up by now" Uncle Allen said with a half smile. Then more to himself than to me, "and hopefully in a good mood too".  When Nikki opened the door, his expression was unreadable. When we were introduced he was polite enough, but seemed a bit bored by the whole process.

His house was modestly decorated, with beige walls, and dark leather couch and chairs. "Brook is going to be coming by once a week to clean your house. That includes doing laundry and going grocery shopping. Are there any rules you expect to be followed?" Uncle Allen asked. Sitting in a recliner giving me a stoney look Nikki's only reply is, "Don't go in my bedroom. For any reason. It's off limits unless I'm with you." I would be lying if I said his tone of voice didn't scare me.

After leaving Nikki's house, my Uncle dropped me off at my appartment, "I've already told you that your schedule for each house is from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. four day's a week, one house per day. Now it's your choice what order you clean them in" he says before leaving.

Later that night, while changing into my hot pink satin pajamas, I decide that tomorrow I'll start with Nikki's house. My reasoning being to get my most difficult one out of the way first. Then Tuesday I'll be with Vince. He's my second most difficult from what I could gather by our short meeting. Tommy and Mick seem like they would be relatively easy to work with so I'll do their houses Wednesday, and Thursday.

Climbing into bed I know my nerves are never going to let me sleep. I'm way too anxious about tomorrow. Not to mention my attraction to Nikki isn't going to make working for him any easier.

(I hope you guys like this new story! It'll become more interesting soon lol. Drop a vote if you like it🤘)

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